hey, should i be in a cradle of filth video?

we were just talking about salmon last night: basically equating the return of high school alumni big haired female and Nascar hat-wearing male patrons to this local bar and the inebriated dances that follow to salmon floppily swimming their way back upstream to their place of origin in order to spawn (also something that occurs on said pub's dance floor)

as far as i know, yes, that is correct.

an album ago, they might be giants released a single "Bangs" which they hoped would become a big British hit like "Birdhouse In Your Soul"; unfortunately, they did not realise that Brits did not call bangs bangs and thus were a little confused by the song.

i don't know, however, what UK people call what I think of as a fringe; that is, really short bangs, kind of like this:

Okay good, I wasn't the only one in the dark about what the hell fringes were.

I don't care for bangs, and now I don't care for fringes either.