Hey Star Trek geeks!

Yeah, every time it blew up, they went to commercial. They eventually sorted out what was happening and stopped it. The End.
I've never counted myself as a star trek fan. However, since TNG is frequently on the SyFyllis channel, I've been watching it much lately, and grown to enjoy it. not to mention the movie this year was phenomenal of course.
That was a cool episode. Everytime it came back from commercial break the show started all over.

I also like the one where the older version of the Enterprise came through the time warp thingy and altered their future, Tasha Yar was back and the TNG Enterprise was a huge warship. The older Enterprise was supposed to have been destroyed in a battle with the Klingons (or was it Romulans). At the end they figured out Tasha was supposed to be dead and their future was to be different so she goes back in time and helps the old crew. Was that Yesterdays Enterprise?

Which later comes back to bite them in the ass a few seasons later as Tasha survived the battle, was a prisoner and had Romulan/Human offspring.
However, better than TNG is the TNG edits on youtube, theres around 30 of them now (watch them all), heres several of the best:
DS9 had characters that made mistakes and faced situations that couldn't be resolved by inverting the modulation of the deflector array. It was fairly tame stuff for the first couple seasons but really took off after the Dominion was introduced and the show became a war drama. By the end of the series characters died, were crippled, were left emotionally broken shells. Worlds were saved, worlds were left in ashes; Nobody won. That's a much more compelling drama than one where the cast always does the right thing and solves the problem of the week in the best possible outcome for everyone (except those who are opposed to the righteous philosophies of the Federation).

TNG was at its best when it focused on the wonders of exploring the universe. DS9 did a much better job with the realistic hard choices life will still offer us every day, even in a Star Trek future.

Edit: And B5 was one of the best Sci Fi shows ever made, you just had to slog through the terrible acting and special effects of season 1.
Edit: And B5 was one of the best Sci Fi shows ever made, you just had to slog through the terrible acting and special effects of season 1.

I warned Max of this. It's just one of those things you must force yourself to suffer through for the payoff.
For what it's worth, I'm with these guys. You need to get involved in that Maxypants.

Hey, and while we're on Sci-Fi, and I've definitely mentioned this before, did anyone ever watch Space Above and Beyond? I really, really like that show.
I watched it quite vigorously when it originally aired in the 90s whenever, but not since. I recall good times.
Yeah, I was crazy about it. A cursory search had turned up the fact that they released it in the U.S on DVD a few years back. I think it's worth finding.