Hey Star Trek geeks!

Yes on all accounts.
DS9 was the dark house of the franchise for sure. When it worked ( the Dominion war ) it worked VERY well.
Max MUST watch B5 from beginning to end, as it should be. Probably the best scifi show on TV. ever.

The BSG reboot owes, pretty much everything, to Space Above and Beyond as that show had lots of influence both visually and storywise.

I will give props to the beginning of SeaQuest, the show was headed in a decent direction until they ended up blowing up the sub on....another planet? Even that wasn't terrible, until the following season when it mysteriously returned to earth (in the future) missing some crew. Oh and even though it was quite a bit of time in the future and even though the sub was destroyed it was still the most advanced ship around?

Also, Earth2 was intersting but sadly never took root.
What? SeaQuest on another planet?! I was sure I followed every episode of that back in the day, and I do remember it getting terrible. Maybe it got to a point where it was so bad I gave up and missed a season.

edit: wiki'd it. SeaQuest 2032? hahaha I definitely don't remember that!

I do remember all the stuff with aliens throughout the 2nd season, so who knows, selective memory. This was over a decade ago!
The finale of season two saw them whisked off to fight a war on another planet by Mark Hamill. No, seriously.

They got returned to Earth, only 10 years later despite them not having aged. All of this resulted in Jonathan Brandis hanging himself.
The finale of season two saw them whisked off to fight a war on another planet by Mark Hamill. No, seriously.

They got returned to Earth, only 10 years later despite them not having aged. All of this resulted in Jonathan Brandis hanging himself.

The finale wasn't even that bad for season two, despite the silly plot of being on another planet with Mark Hamill. They off'd a good portion of characters who made heroic sacrifices etc. It just made no sense in the grand sense of the SeaQuest universe.

It was like how they basically just shrugged it off. " Yeah, aliens and shit sent us back, whats shakin on Earth these days? "

Though they did replace Roy Scheider's Earth friendly captain with kick ass Michael Ironside as some hopped up military kill em all Captain.
I would have to agree with Derek, season 3 of TnG really started to take off. That is where it gets good. The 1st few seasons were just a bit slow but it does get better. I have all 7 seasons on DVD :)
For the first few seasons it's still living in the shadow of ToS, and you can tell - much of the material has a similar feel. After season 2, they started to take it in it's own direction, which interestingly happened around the same time a certain Ronald Moore joined the writing staff.
So I wonder if Stargate: Universe is going to be any good. From what I've heard it's a "re-imagining" of the franchise, and supposed to be a bit more mature, a la BSG. Not holding my breath though. Last few seasons of SG-1 were pretty shitty (Continuum was fuckin cool, though), and Atlantis was just shitty.

On a separate note: Marina Sirtis was way hot back in the day.
So I wonder if Stargate: Universe is going to be any good. From what I've heard it's a "re-imagining" of the franchise, and supposed to be a bit more mature, a la BSG. Not holding my breath though. Last few seasons of SG-1 were pretty shitty (Continuum was fuckin cool, though), and Atlantis was just shitty.

On a separate note: Marina Sirtis was way hot back in the day.

See, I liked Atlantis way more then SG-1.
And yes, farscape was fantastic and SCIFI cancelling it was a huge blunder.
I'd still engage with that, if you get me. Although not in season one TNG.

Stargate Universe is up in the air really, isn't it. It could be good it could be bad, and if they've went in a grittier "BSG" direction, they'll do well not to seem like a rif off. I'm excited regardless. SG1 up until the final few (lazy!) seasons was great and I quite liked most of Atlantis.