Hey W!

my vertigo (which is at the shop cuz i noticed after mexico the body was split below the bridge) has coil splitting - never thought i'd use it as much as i do. same guitar i can cover most fender/gibson tones yeah - definately nice to have at yer fingertips. ahhh now i'm sad it's gone again :waah:

Versatility is addicting isn't it?

Did you send it back to Vertigo? I prefer your sound when you use that one so hopefully it will return to full health however a split body may be a lengthy repair.

If you really like the pickups and control scheme why not retrofit another with the same set up?

yeah i fedex'd it to vertigo headquarters - homie works for warmoth now cool huh. i think i'd prefer the single switch design like you have instead of the push/pull pot. i'll have to put a request in for the add now cool! I have a new guy in the valley who just set up my other guitars and did a great job fast - next time i have em in i'll see what he can do with old yellow and the ibanez. ty for the suggestion jim - keep on flying that geek gearhead flag \m/
Music Equipment Addictions are serious and can be devastating to ones wallet and hard on family members...

I know this since I have so much gear in my house:
2 drumsets
10 guitars
2 marshall half stack amps
1 huge full stack GK bass amp
1 midi controller
1 Roland EP
1 Roland Synth
Presonus Firestudio
Presonus Digimax FS
Full PA system
14 mics
14 stands
100s of music books

Its funny that you guys even answer what I said. I was joking.

I have 4 guitars and more effects than I can handle.

Hmm, but come to think of it, maybe its because of my little...