Shattered cymbals...Hey Linda


Bass Gear Geek
Nov 14, 2005
Hey Linda at the Maidens show I saw you had some signed shattered cymbals. I have never in all my days been at a show or around when that happened to a drummer.

What kind of sonic disaster is it when one shatters?

This is the cymbal I used on our CD and our live shows the last couple years. Cymbals don't shatter in an instant like a string breaks while playing, but it's a slower process. It starts with a tiny hairline crack, in this case on the outer edge of the cymbal, and it gradually spreads and grows bigger. It can grow an inch if I play it during a long set. I can usually notice when the slightest crack starts even tho it's barely visible to the eye because I can just feel something different in the way the cymbal responds when I play it. It just feels and sounds different to my ears. Nodoby else would notice anything funky except the owner of the cymbal that is breaking when they play it. But once it gets too big it destroys the beautiful full sound intended from the cymbal and it's time to get a new one. :)
Thanks Linda. I was just picturing this framentation grenade when you hit it. :Spin:

So it takes long enough you aren't caught by surprise and have to carry any spares.

PS, Do you replace them as soon as you notice the cracking even if nobody else can? I change my strings when I notice a change even if nobody else does.
I'm picky that way. :Spin:

Haha! A couple times in rehearsals there are cymbals provided and often they are already cracked a good 2-3 inches and when we play a song a piece of broken cymbal will go flying across the room! It's pretty dangerous!! When mine start to go, I try to get them to Paiste as soon as I can, but if I have a bunch of shows coming up then I can wait a little bit. But when it gets too large and makes the cymbal sound flat and like a tin pan, it's definitely time to get a new one! I don't bring spares cuz that would get really heavy. ;)
I felt like crap for going through strings twice as fast with Maiden then with Priest, cause some guys have said they never break strings, and I said, oh I don't either, they just break for no reason after more then 5 hours of hard playing, but then this really good teacher said that if some one likes to play hard, then he said go for it!