Hey xeno! Multiple choice poll for the prettiest male too!

Lolita Vampiriá

Sister of Mercy
Feb 24, 2003
Espoo, Finland
Xenophobe, since this madness is allowed for us ladies to have sleepless nights from now on - make a poll for the "prettiest" male as well! That should be interesting.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Xenophobe, since this madness is allowed for us ladies to have sleepless nights from now on - make a poll for the "prettiest" male as well! That should be interesting.
Having the nice ego boost of doing well on the last "sexiest" male poll, I wouldn't feel right making a poll like that anyways. I do not need my reality crushed. :lol:

You have an account here at UM. Feel free to make any polls you wish to make. :loco:
I don't like them, alright, but it should be only fair to add everyone in them now, male and female. And have a possibility for those who are interested in voting. Thirdly, I like boys more than girls. :D