

Jun 25, 2005
Hey Matt and the rest of Theocracy..

I was listening to some online radio yesterday on www.classicgod.com and heard you. I then just HAD to find your website and learn more. Man..what I have heard of your music so far is so totally impressive..absolutely amazing. The story behind the music is even more impressive to me. Matt, you are one talented dude. God has blessed you with a very special gift bro.

I just had to hop on here and tell you thanks for staying true to the art of Metal music and incorporating Christ in that message. The world needs it.

Truthfully, until I heard of classicgod.com this past week, and then I heard you guys, I honestly thought the "good ol" days of christian metal were over. The last few years I have been leading worship at my church, which is contemporary music, as well as writing and recording music with my wife professionally. I am a rocker to the "core", and always have been. That is what I really love to play, and that is what I started out playing, however, God has opened the door for me to play other styles professionally, and that's cool. I joke all of the time with people about how the music God has called me to play at this point in my life is totally different than the music I actually love and listen to all day every day. I was so glad to hear your music and know that you guys are not from the 80's..you are around right now and still crankin out music.

Anyways, I will shut up now.. :D

Rock on,

Thank you so much!!
It always blows me away to read stuff like that. I humbly appreciate it.

(Sorry it took me so long to respond; I was on vacation last week and haven't had much computer time lately. Sorry for anyone else's post I missed as well.)