

New Metal Member
Jan 16, 2006
I just got into Opeth and they seem pretty damn cool!!! But I have to wonder what they sing about?
Hello. The sing about forests and being dead and lost loves and stuff.

Mikael owns. I just watched the studio video for Harvest, and at the end Mikael says "Get your shit together man! You know who I am? I'm fucking Mikael!"
LadyValerie said:
Mikael owns. I just watched the studio video for Harvest, and at the end Mikael says "Get your shit together man! You know who I am? I'm fucking Mikael!"

Yeah, when i saw that i was like "Wth?" then i started laughing.

Oh, welcome to the forums. They sing about death, lost love, Satan:grin: , cool stuff, and uhhh... "things"

I would try reading some of the lyrics while your listening, then you hear what he is really singing and understand the song more :) Oh, and sometimes you will need some lyrical desifering to understand some of them, but yeah, Mikael is very VERY poetic.

When you think about it, when (hopefully never:erk: ) Opeth is finally done, instruments at rest, Mikael should become a poet :)
Opeth sings about what every artist truly longs to express- the struggle of humanity at its lowest classes striving for acceptance, privilege and ultimately power in the face of oppression from the upper classes whom, in the face of this uprising, fear their days are numbered and lash out against the people in various ways, including but not limited to censorship, suppression of information and ideas, and imprisonment.

However, Opeth makes this more clear than most other artists, who use drugs, bitches, hoes, cars and mad cheese as metaphors for sticking it to the man.
RDreamer said:
Opeth sings about what every artist truly longs to express- the struggle of humanity at its lowest classes striving for acceptance, privilege and ultimately power in the face of oppression from the upper classes whom, in the face of this uprising, fear their days are numbered and lash out against the people in various ways, including but not limited to censorship, suppression of information and ideas, and imprisonment.

However, Opeth makes this more clear than most other artists, who use drugs, bitches, hoes, cars and mad cheese as metaphors for sticking it to the man.

i did not know that
I find opeth sing about ..

Isolation. Deliverance correct me if im wrong is about insanity and the killing of a loved one. Love, Embracing Love/Death and losing it. Oppression, Acceptance. Forests, Emotions and Ermmm Bitches, hoes and guns
If you don't know then you haven't bought the albums!
You will find the lyrics printed inside!
Go do that! Buy the records.

That's what a true fan does - supports the band!