Hi and Bye


The 1st REAL Demon here..
Well, I don't know how many of you guys ever cared to listen to a damn word I ever said. The odds were always against me, some believed me, most didn't, but I'm done being bitter about all the endless posts I complained about that. My advise to Styggian Apothegm still stands, he just never heard my guitar playing so obviously he couldn't understand my perspective, I apologize I never got a site up of my own material to share, just really never had the time, honest. To make a long story short, found the girl of my dreams, getting laid tonight, me very happy...

see you guys later!!
You found jesus???? Where is he???? Can I see???

Really though, I wish I could find him all the time, I can only pretend to find him when Im scared, or I really need something. *goes in corner and cries*
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