Hi everyone long time no see!


May 17, 2006
Hi everyone! I thought they had got rid of this, last time I was on! Glad its back! How has everyone been? Hope everyone is cool and dandy!
Happy Easter to you all!
So what have you all been up to? Im just preparing for my final exams at uni then I have all summer to chill and jam with my band then find a job (which sucks!:cry: )
Its been really nice here in London over the Easter hols, lets hope it stays that way for abit!
Id love to hear from you all, regain some ol friends and gain some new ones!

Yeah I know, I thought it had shut down! Why I dont know? Plus iv had tons of stuff that needed to get done. Have I missed much? Any important news on the OL front or on the metal/death/prog-metal front in general? All I have is that Progpower UK II was awsome and my mates band supported Sepultura up London a few weeks ago.
haven't missed much since then i guess
OL's show was filemed for the sequal of Metal:Headbanger's journey
OL are currently working on their new album ORWarriOR which is produced by Steven Wilson

that's about it