Hi, my name is Glenn and I enjoy the new Five Finger Death Punch...

I don't know why people get so hung up with the so called "bro metal" For one thing, it's not as if those lyrics are being directed at you personally. Too many people want to make it personal. Everyone has a dark side(although many people don't know it or want to admit it) and for all we know, those lyrics can be directed at the true assholes and bullies of the world who make our lives miserable or who've hurt us or the ones we love....

The world is a fucked up place we live, just face it.... Also, cursing never bothered me, I think people give words too much power to words...... I look at five-finger death punch as an aggression outlet for everyone that's ever pissed you off or hurt you horribly in your life..... nothing more..... The band isn't for everyone, and from what I've heard, the fans at those shows aren't bad at all....of course you will always have those drunk assholes that ruin it for everyone.....
I have to disagree there. As pretentious as metal fans can be, I'd rather be at a show with prog metal nerds than visor-wearing frat boys who'd be just as happy seeing Nickelback as Five Finger whatever. I'm less likely to get shoved, beer spilled or puked on by the guy in the Spiral Architect t-shirt.

This x100.
I have to disagree there. As pretentious as metal fans can be, I'd rather be at a show with prog metal nerds than visor-wearing frat boys who'd be just as happy seeing Nickelback as Five Finger whatever. I'm less likely to get shoved, beer spilled or puked on by the guy in the Spiral Architect t-shirt.

In general I agree, but I've only had beer spilled on me twice. Once at PPUSA (honest accident) and the other was at the worst concert I've ever attended for drunken asswipes that wasn't KISS. Queensryche.
I have to disagree there. As pretentious as metal fans can be, I'd rather be at a show with prog metal nerds than visor-wearing frat boys who'd be just as happy seeing Nickelback as Five Finger whatever. I'm less likely to get shoved, beer spilled or puked on by the guy in the Spiral Architect t-shirt.

Considering the only time I've had beer spilled on me and have been harassed by dumb drunks has been at "prog metal" shows, and that System of a Down/Deftones last year had some of the chillest, coolest people I've seen at a show, I'd disagree 100%.
Considering the only time I've had beer spilled on me and have been harassed by dumb drunks has been at "prog metal" shows, and that System of a Down/Deftones last year had some of the chillest, coolest people I've seen at a show, I'd disagree 100%.

What does SOAD/Deftones have to do with this conversation? They don't belong in either category.
Considering the only time I've had beer spilled on me and have been harassed by dumb drunks has been at "prog metal" shows, and that System of a Down/Deftones last year had some of the chillest, coolest people I've seen at a show, I'd disagree 100%.

Which "prog metal" shows were those? I'd love to hear it...
I really, really dislike this stereotype that everybody who likes 5FDP are dumb caveman jocks. Even though I'm not a fan, I've known enough people with "surprising" musical tastes that it really shouldn't be surprising anymore to find a fan of a band who doesn't fit the universal stereotype. And especially for metalheads to do that to other metalheads, as if they've forgotten that the whole rest of the world thinks that all metalheads are fire breathing Satanists who do drugs all day and eat babies all night. If that characterization offends you, you have no standing from which to jeer at fans of Five Finger Death Punch for being Tapout-shirt-wearing tough guys.
I finally got around to checking out the new 5FDP. I can totally see why people would like it. That said, with the exception of the opening track, I just didn't care for the songwriting. As for the audience thing, 5FDP simply attracts a younger audience then 99% of the bands we discuss here. And youth is a breeding ground for idiocy.
I'm having a bunch of work done in my house, and as I was surveying the demolition in my bedroom the young guy (a soon to be marine) there mentioned that on breaks he stands near my office door to listen to my tunes. His first question "Do you like Five Finger Death Punch?"

I almost laughed.
Yea, I know just as many dopey/Low IQ progmetal/power metal heads as I do dopey/Low IQ regular modern music metal heads, which to me proves that stereotypes have no validity........

I don't play FFDP around the kids though, because even though cursing doesn't bother me, they are too young to be exposed to the lyrics. Strictly an IPOD band :)
I'm having a bunch of work done in my house, and as I was surveying the demolition in my bedroom the young guy (a soon to be marine) there mentioned that on breaks he stands near my office door to listen to my tunes. His first question "Do you like Five Finger Death Punch?"

I almost laughed.

they have a HUGE military fan base. i mean HUGE. my mailman (ex-Ranger) is all about them.
Hmm, who says girls can't drum?? :) I think this girl might have a future as she grows up....... Not too bad!!!! 10 year old Asian kid playing "lift me up" by FFDP. Headbanging and all,, LOL....

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Hmm, who says girls can't drum?? :) I think this girl might have a future as she grows up....... Not too bad!!!! 10 year old Asian kid playing "lift me up" by FFDP. Headbanging and all,, LOL....

There's also a video of her playing YYZ when she was 8. Course, I'll be more impressed with these kids if they move on and play in bands when they are older.
There's also a video of her playing YYZ when she was 8. Course, I'll be more impressed with these kids if they move on and play in bands when they are older.

True, it would be a shame to see such kids like her lose interest in drumming, who is obviously INCREDIBLY gifted and playing songs(like YYZ) that most adult drummers will never ever be able to play
Usually don't like stuff like this, but I guess I'm a complete douchebag too. That was kick butt. Usually this stuff sounds pretentious, like hey mang what would a tough guy sound like but this was genuine and the structure and quality is all there. Wonder if European melodic approach isn't rubbing off on the American bro and nu metal crowds more. Doesn't sound too far off from even the Soilwork song on the PPUSA front page.
I'm really not familiar with Five Finger Death Punch. Is that song reflective of the whole new album, or of their past records? Because I think it's pretty good. Yes, nu metal style, but melodic enough for me to enjoy.