
Hi Iced In Flames. You're new here huh? Well then let me be the first to say hi then since the 5 others dont want to be cool and take 5 seconds and say hi to ya.
Well, I guess that makes two of us. Not that I'm really big on the whole "Okay class, we have a new person joining us today" senario, but hey... HELLO! It's nice to be here in support of such a kickass group.:D
Just wanted to add that since we don't always have access to a computer , I would allow at least a day for a response from any one of the Maidens on the msg board. We try to check the msg board frequently but sometimes things come up (rehearsal, trips out of town,etc) and we can't always respond right away. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Originally posted by Iced In Flames
I'm getting a cult vibe here.

Yes, it is a cult. You will be required to submit to my every whim, no matter how ridiculous. :p
Hello and welcome to what is beginning to look like a swearing-in ceremony! In addition to your arrival, you are now no longer last.:D