Hidden Things In Songs ¿?


Im Still Life
Jan 14, 2004
Pale Moor
Yeah in the post of "By The Pain I See In Others" we talk of that fuckin hidden things in the songs, and i post this for that, anybody has hear or know hidden things on songs? Well, i do in "Metallica - The Unforgiven II", in the minutes 5:42 - 5:48.

What I've felt
What I've known
Turn the pages
Turn the stone
Behind the door
Should I open it for you?


What I've felt
What I've known
So sick and tired
I stand alone
Could you be there
'cause I'm the one who waits
The one who waits for you

After James sing his part, kirk say someting (?) and James keeps singing, some people say "kirk says: "And The Devil Hears" i live in mexico and other people say "kirk says: "Escucha Al Diablo", of course in spanish, but i am still confuse about that, anyone have another hidden thing in a song?
I'm sure most of you have heard of the one in the Porcupine Tree song (I think it may be 'Even Less'), where there are a group of four numbers spoken in a woman's voice. Then there's more numbers, etc, etc. I heard somewhere that there are radio stations (in America, and - I'm assuming - other places in the world aswell) where these seemingly random numbers are broadcast on unused frequencies.
Weird, huh?
I think I read it had something to do with code training...no real vital information, just training for special ops, agents or whatever.

Also, Stairway to Heaven is pretty deep. I'm into the occult, ect, and the language used in that song seems to be pretty alchemical: The lady in white (the White Queen), and the stairway itself (Jacob's Ladder), the piper (probably Baphomet or someone else who reveals higher truths).
Anyway, yeah.
I'd be interested to see what other tidbits people have found/know about in other song.
*points to the Tool's "Lateralus" thread*

The part after Nevermore's "The Learning" where they repeat the ending to "The Politics of Ecstasy"

There's one on the Arcturus record, "La Masquerade Infernale"...if you rewind it a bit from the end, it takes you to a secret track er something *can't remember*
When you put Grand declaration of war by Mayhem on the cd player, rewind it a bit before it starts.... you'll see what I mean. Also, at the beginning of "empty spaces" (Pink Floyd : The Wall) There's a backwards message. If you can play it back it says something like: "Congratulations, you have found the secret message, please call the first pink at the funny farm", and then roger waters is called by someone. It's not actually with those words, but it's something like that. Quite funny