Hidden track & Question

Vylance X

The 9th Prophet
Sep 15, 2001
NE Ohio
During the hidden track on AFDTE, when he wails near the end of it, I always wake up. Every night I fall asleep to this album and when that part comes around, I always wake up.

And for the Q:

Do any of you here listen to Anathema and no other metal? I'm asking because my girlfriend's dad listens to Anathema (she saw Eternity in his car) but nothing else.
Originally posted by Vylance X
Do any of you here listen to Anathema and no other metal? I'm asking because my girlfriend's dad listens to Anathema (she saw Eternity in his car) but nothing else.

You have a good girlfriend, you know :) I wish I had my girlfriend father listening to Anathema.
And about listening only Anathema... it's like eating only a part of cake, wearing the same clothes or... yet you know waht I mean.
Btw, I don't really like that track it reminds me of Beck...there's an excellent hid.track on Pentecost "sex,sex,sex"!!!:)