It comes up after Gung-Ho. It isn't listed on the track listing in the artwork, but it isn't very "hidden" because it shows up a "Gung-Ho....Lone Justice" on I-Tunes when I play the disc on my mac Ibook. And yes, it is complete.
Jono said:pretty sure he was poking fun at justin
Probably for shits and giggles to have some fun with the "LJ" posse. Also, there is a snippet of another song being played backwards b4 it. Wierd. Cool surprise.Doctor X said:why not just list if as track 15? is there a reason they had to make it a hidden track?
haha just an educated guess but medusa had help from johnny z and i am quite sure lone justice had some help too...Deege said:Who did write some of the lyrics then? (I seriously don't know.)