High pitched whining on DI tracks. Samples.

Josh M.

Jul 11, 2009
Hi all. Recently I have noticed that I am getting this high pitched buzz/whining on DI tracks through the Profire 2626 instrument input into Pro Tools. I think it may have something to do with grounding, or wires touching each other but I am still not certain.

I did find information from Digidesign but only for the Mbox etc. and the samples they provided sound EXACTLY the same.

Here's a clip of a bass DI track with the hum. You can only hear it when the bass is playing because I gated it. I did do a bit of EQing to get rid of it and I don't have any unprocessed clips.

If anyone knows of what is causing this problem, it would be greatly appreciated as I have a session comming up really soon (though it doesn't involve DI's).

This is weird. I get a similar sound through my Presonus Firebox (for scratch tracks/portability) at high preamp volumes. How close are you sitting to your computer? I bet if you back up a bit, it may get softer.
This is weird. I get a similar sound through my Presonus Firebox (for scratch tracks/portability) at high preamp volumes. How close are you sitting to your computer? I bet if you back up a bit, it may get softer.

Yeah pretty close actually. Thought this might be a problem but unfortunately I can't get my headphones far enough to move from the computer. The thing is, this never happened until I got my new PC (like a while after that) and then I reinstalled everything and it's still there. Has to be something to do with hardware. I'll have to check cables next time I'm able to record.

I just thought that since this appears to be a common problem someone might have an answer.

And you are using a Firebox? So that means it isn't just Pro Tools. Hmmm:err:
This is relevant to my interests as I have a similar problem but haven't managed to find an explanation yet. I must try harder.
Well it is definitely my computer. I put the guitar right up to it and it go VERY loud. So yes, sitting back helps but there has to be something else that I can do.
It's your power supply. That would be my suspect anyways. Did you build the computer yourself or buy a pre-built? Either way if there's a cheap ass power supply in there (which a lot of pre-built comps have), it can be spitting out some serious noise. In addition, a power conditioner would be a smart thing to add as well.
the power supply is one thing...try to turn off your monitor while tracking...or it could be the computer mouse (if you use an optical mouse)...it makes similar noises when you move your mouse to close to the pickups
It's your power supply. That would be my suspect anyways. Did you build the computer yourself or buy a pre-built? Either way if there's a cheap ass power supply in there (which a lot of pre-built comps have), it can be spitting out some serious noise. In addition, a power conditioner would be a smart thing to add as well.

I actually thought about a power conditioner and yes the computer is a pre-built (not like a brand name but a computer shop one). So it could be my poswer supply.

the power supply is one thing...try to turn off your monitor while tracking...or it could be the computer mouse (if you use an optical mouse)...it makes similar noises when you move your mouse to close to the pickups

Yeah when I move my mouse it changes for a bit...hang on...I just changed mouse. Maybe that's something

The fact that it goes off when near the actual tower though would almost eliminate the mouse.

Anyway thanks guys, I have a bit of experimenting to do.