Hit or Miss

Miss spent it sleeping during day n playing some online stuff at night :erk: , totally lifeless !
Next person hates spicy things
Miss, hair should NOT be able to cover the color spectrum.... damn emo kids..

Next person celebrated 6/6/06.
(I did by getting in my second ever fight with a mouthy emo.. not on purpose, but later I was joyful)
hit, i did lots of stuff in that day, spent all my money till i reached 666 left, i watched the omen 666, and i congratulated my family, and told him may you have anther 100 happy years haha, and all other stuff

next person thinks shes cute
Hit- but if it is Scottish, it is Whisky, mind. Only single malts from Highland and Speyside, and Island (not Islay, I disagree with Johan on that one... Laproaig tastes like TCP). Fancying a nip of Jura Superstition right now. But have an evening class to teach :erk:

Next person should be doing work rather than being here.
Miss hate those movies and books
Next persons phone won't shut up today...

He's my fav director mees. My fav line from BS is "Up yours my pals!" By that like 90yr old lady.