Hit or Miss

miss, close a gineua pig

next person has already heard Guardians of Asgaard (prior to myspace debut)
Erm...well..*clears throat*...maybe? Can this be used as evidence in a court of law? :p

Next person is looking forward to the release of Warhammer Online: Age Of Reckoning.
Miss but my guess is that it's some Kerry king bc rich signature warlock
Next person spent the previous night in the company of a charming kid who didn't stop crying .
GAY, I would not own such a piece of crap haha. Gibson Explorer... and bigtime Miss.

Next person agree's with me that Kerry king is a horrible guitar player.
next person hates soilwork as much as i do

yeah, that part is funny vilewoman. another part that like is when they pull themselves out of the quicksand, and tagart say "well boys, the breaks over, don't just lay there getting a suntan, its no gonna do you no good no how HAHA". god i love that movie