Hit or Miss

I object to that strongly. I'm fairly certain that the concept of punching someone in the face repeatedly was conceived in a Boston bar.
@amon: miss, apparently
@Gazza: go have another couple pints even though it's probably noon down at the bottom of the world you inebriated criminal

next person would appreciate it if Gazza would go back to lawyering and stop flaming.
@amon: miss, apparently
@Gazza: go have another couple pints even though it's probably noon down at the bottom of the world you inebriated criminal

next person would appreciate it if Gazza would go back to lawyering and stop flaming.


it's 4.42pm

i haven't had a drink for over a month

and i'm taking a break from doing my civil procedure assignment


edit: labelling me a criminal hey? how'd you like a defamation case slapped on you? i'll get it tried here so freedom of speech doesn't apply. lol. you'll never defeat me.

such a yank, resorting to weapons when fists are all that are required. fight like a man, not like a bitch!


Tell that to men once you have lost use of 1 or more of your limbs. 7.62x39 gets in there and makes a mess; that's why I like them so much. I shoot to kill, but if one cannot kill, maim. :heh:

If I shot both of your hands, you would not be buggering everyone on this board...
Fenrisúlfr;7630856 said:
Tell that to men once you have lost use of 1 or more of your limbs. 7.62x39 gets in there and makes a mess; that's why I like them so much. I shoot to kill, but if one cannot kill, maim. :heh:

If I shot both of your hands, you would not be buggering everyone on this board...

oh no, volvo boy is going to shoot me. best of luck firing those bullets all the way to Australia kiddo. :lol:

i'm retiring now, you guys are no competition. :rock:

*the forum sooks breathe a sigh of relief*
*the forum sooks breathe a sigh of relief*

I actually had to look up 'sook'. Here's what I found:

"to sulk, crack a sad and act like a big fat baby when you odn't get your own way."
"An Australian slang term used to indicate another person is soft, easily upset, or just a plain pussy."

hey, my car is running low on oil, you mind if you wipe your face with a towel, drain it and send it over?


Big talk from someone whose head got in a fight with a lawnmower...and lost :rolleyes:

Seriously, you're just jealous I have hair and you don't.

By the way, your country's trade deficit is soooo huge, it's about to squash New Zealand.
HIT! (I have no idea what I am hitting to, I am just restarting the game)

Next person had a blast yesterday repeating pirate pickup lines because it was international talk like a pirate day!

My fav: I'm a love pirate and I'm here for the booty, ARGH!