Hit or Miss

Miss... I wish

The next person has an amon amarth album playing in the background.
Fuckin A. Falkenbach are my favourite in that Genre, along with Moonsorrow.

Next Person wants to go Caving to find Osama Bin(Dumpster) Laden & Hang him upside down & give him the death by a thousand cuts. Leng T'che??

miss - although i'm not very fond of muslims and he's the worst kind, i actually wouldn't want to bother. but there are politicians here that i'd love to torture.

next person already had gay (as in homosexual) thoughts.
Hit :oops: , even if I'd very much like to exterminate homosexuals cos I already have enough trouble finding a man cos of the competition between women , so think of how rude it got since men started hunting men :erk:

Next person is addicted to the internet .
Miss :erk: not even in dreams
Next person have eye phobia ( can't put contacts on , can't put eye liner on ...)
Who , me ? couldn't be!
Next person secretly thinks that she's able to transform to an elf by night fall .