Hiya All


The Herbalizer
Jul 5, 2004
Belgium, Leuven.
Im Tommy from Belgium and a big fan of Edge Of sanity (Dan swano)
I even met Dan and the band when they played over here in Belgium in 1992!!
when they stayed at my home for the weekend.
it was a nice time we had and I was wandering what Dan is up these days, the last I heard was that he worked in a record shop in Stokholm??
Man, you have a LOT of catching up to do. Dan's recorded, written and released so many cds since then... I wouldn't know where to tell you to start.
thx for the welcome friends :wave:
yeah I know of the moontower cd (I have that one!!!) very good cd!!!
but lost contact with him, I even had a demo from the second cd of edge years ago, but thats fadded completly (shame though because Dan asked for it) to maybe release it again, I had the only copy!!!!
but all things in life fade so did the demo :oops:

its nice to talk to ppl who like Dan's work 2!!!!
see ya soon friends take care.
Hi Tommy and everyone. back at work = more time to hang out here!!! Today I started 07:00, to open up for some carpenters, who's yet a no-show. Fuckers.
The demo Tommy had the only copy (that I remember) were pretty much all the songs off Unorthodox in their first versions. I'd sooo like to hear that one again. But unless I accidentally stumble across someone I traded it to (most unlikely since pre-productions are pretty personal, work-in-progress kinda stuff) vit's lost forever.

Hiya Dan,
Its nice to see ya here :worship:
yeah I still remember the demo, but like all things in life that faded aswell (did play it to much I ges) Sorry I could not help you out with it, you know I would have send it to you if it was still in working order!!!
back at work I see (still working in the record shop in Stockholm??)

take care and here from you soon :Smokin: :Smokin: