hmm idk


New Metal Member
May 8, 2008
heres the story ive only been listening to death metal for a few months now, ive listened to metal for a long time but mostly NWOBHM(priest =favorite for like two years until recently) ish stuff and some older thrash(bonded by blood - exodus(yes only that album, lol paul baloff is so awesome), megadeth etc) and power metal like helloween rhapsody of fire etc. my friend got me into the bands with harsh vocals a while ago. the bands i listen to so far are: wintersun(favorite right now :D lol), ensiferum, norther, CoB, opeth, necrophagist and im checking out some more of amon amarth as i type. cry of the black birds is amazing lol.

notice a trend? the great majority are from finland and have generally the same sound. can someone recommend me some stuff that is melodic(no brutal stuff just yet) that isnt from finland? maybe something similar to at the gates to start off, then maybe some stuff that differentiates more? amon amarth ish stuff would be good i like the mid vocals alot better than vocals like necrophagist but vocals like necrophagist are acceptable. o and there MUST be solos. coming from the NWOBHM and neoclassical shred yngwie gilbert becker era has made me LOVE solos(maybe a few exceptions but probably not many). when my friend told me not alot of death metal bands have solos i was like wtf but then i found the finnish stuff lol. and one more thing i think i have enough/can find all the synth using bands i need(symphonic at least) id like to explore a little more stuff that uses less or no synths but i do love synths so if there is a band you think i should check out anyway id be glad to give it a listen.

sorry for all the reading haha thanks guys :rock:

p.s. i know you guys will probably flame me for this but i do believe in God and im not really comfortable listening to satanic/devil worship stuff. i am aware that people listen to black metal and still beleive but im just not comfortable with it. viking metal is tolerable but please no black metal unless its neutral or, i can tolerate some of those lyrics, a song like ressurection on halfords solo album is about as far as ill go. i know im missing out on some of metals finest(its been told to me a few times on different forums before) but i really dont care that much anyway. i like the better production quality of death metal over black metal anyday.
In Flames
Dark Tranquillity

You don't need to feel uncomfortable listening to music that is anti-Christian. It's a matter of placing yourself in another's shoes. The world is filled with different views, and anti-Christian lyrics are just part of a revival of ancient pagan beliefs that many black metal bands have heritage in. I understand if this doesn't sway you, and I'm not trying to be forceful. You have to view the music in an objective manner.

Anyway, the above bands aren't blatantly anti-Christian.
thank you for not flaming like they did on the other forums haha. i know your probably right but i still dont know im just not comfortable lstening to it. at least not yet. in flames ive heard before and it still kinda has that finnish sound(even though they are gothenburg lol they at least sound that way to me). dark tranquility is closer to what im looking for i forgot about them. borknagar i watched a few vids on youtube of them recently, they are pretty good. a little synth heavy for my request tho. thanks

EDIT: insomnium is kinda a middle of the road. they sound finnish but a little more gothenburg. thanks tho. anyone have any GOOD american dm bands(preferably melodic if any)? i have kinda strayed from american bands cuz european bands are a hell of alot better but who knows i might like american stuff i havent listened to.
Just listen to the music you like, so what if they speak of Satan?

Unless you have a good ear/follow along with the lyrics, you can stay unaware of lyrical content.
This will be some good evolution for you:

Dismember - Like An Ever Flowing Stream
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells, Shadows In The Deep
Suffocation - Pierced From Within (Yes fuckers, there's melody!)
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
a. why do you believe in God
b. why do irreverent lyrics bother you, are you worried yours is a petty God?

check out:
Eternal Tears of Sorrow
(early albums by) In Flames
(early albums by) Dark Tranquillity
A: The great majority there is not from Finland
B: Don't worry about anti-Christian stuff
Try these:
Dark Tranquility - The Gallery (Above all others)
In Flames - Subterranean
In Flames - Lunar Strain
In Flames - The Jester Race
In Flames - Clayman
At The Gates - The Red In The Sky Is Ours
At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes
Eluveitie - Spirit

For american stuff:
Death - The Sound Of Perseverance
Death - Individual Thought Patterns
Morbid Angel - Covenant
Paths Of Possession - Promises In Blood

The American stuff isn't usually as melodic, btw

Also, check out Kreator - Enemy Of God and Violent Revolution. Thrash metal with very modern production, really heavy guitar sound, lots of melody.

Also, you really ought to try some black metal. Not all of it has shit production, and some of it is really amazing.
For starters, check out Emperor. Prometheus and In The Nightside Eclipse are their best, imo.
You have mastered the thread-title stupidity competition, congratulations.
nice thanks guys for giving me good suggestions then coming in and turning it into a spam thread. btw the gallery was pretty good.