
I had everything planned out this weekend.
Saturday would be the day of tribulation.
I would finally catch up in physics, math and chemistry.
Then some girl had a birthday and I had to go like 400 km north and spend the day there. Then I got shot in the back with a pellet gun. And I was tired as fuck today and got NOTHING done and now my marks are just going to get lower.
retarded penguin said:
I had everything planned out this weekend.
Saturday would be the day of tribulation.
I would finally catch up in physics, math and chemistry.
Then some girl had a birthday and I had to go like 400 km north and spend the day there. Then I got shot in the back with a pellet gun. And I was tired as fuck today and got NOTHING done and now my marks are just going to get lower.

Don't worry, you're in highschool. Those marks don't matter.
I had some Algebra 2 homework I probably had to do

oh well
my teacher usually goes over it problem by problem on the board

so I just do it in class
Yah, uhhh, I kinda had an EMORMOUS load of homework this weekend and I have done very little.

I had to study for 3 theory tests on Tuesday. 1 of which is worth my entire grade and is for a very very difficlut class, another is also for a pretty hard class, and the other is for a not as hard class. Hmmm, I also had a computer assignment to do. I was gonna type out all my notes Saturday and re-write them by hand Sunday, then just read em a bunch of times on Monday and i'd be all set. Well, I did no work Saturday, and very little of the work Sunday. I also did not do the computer assignment.

So I figure i'll do the comp assignemnt (due tomorrow at noon) tomorrw at around 9am at school after a practical test(that i think i'll do alright on). Then i'll study some of my shit for tuesday before and after my noon class. then i'll study it some more until 6pm when i go to practice for my practical. then i'll come home around 7, eat, and study some more. NOW....that's the INTENDED PLAN my friends. Let's see if it will all go down how it SHOULD. i betcha it won't though.

though i'm kinda alright with cramming like a whore the night before. I don't think i'm too fucked....but it's quite clear i have a procrastination problem.

DAMN I can't wait for this crappy theory semester to be over! I want the spring to be here SO BAD!
how much time do you people need to study every day over there, to be very good students? I mean, the ones in highschool.
Well, I don't study everyday.....more like........two days, and even then it is only for about......20 minutes tops, though on average it would probably be 10 minutes. And my GPA is 4.0. :D
Ha you dumbass are one of the kids everybody hates, those who don't study and still get good grades. I bet you get gangraped at your school's restrooms all the time.
And I don't know about the gangraping in the restrooms, because I don't use them at school. Though, if I did, it's quite possible that it could happen, but most likely, the people in the restroom would be too high to bother with me.
I hate you. Sometimes I stare at my Blind Guardian shirt and generate all my hatred towards you, to it. In hopes that you may fall down and get syphilis.
cool. here you have to study every day for few hours, to be an excellent student, the category I knew in highschool... one has to know the whole book practically by heart, and similar. it really is a land of opportunities I see, there... gold grows on trees, and other stories.... :D