
How i do miss the days of going to school, well, not really...But i used to study each subject, or whatever was on the agenda for homework for half and hour and then move onto the next, seemed to work rather well, right up to the point they said to get out...
yeah, like LoM said. about 20 minutes. i hardly ever spent over 30 minutes at a time doing homework. never had to, unless it was some sort of building project. then i'd spend extreme amounts of time and effort on those to make them better than everyone else's :lol:

at my school grade point average went up higher than 10, depending on the difficulty of the classes you take. mine was usually 8.5(with regular classes), which is still considerably higher than honor roll status.

but now i don't have any homework muwahahahahaa
fuck, have to do a DBQ for euo history, i ill end up not starting until 11-12 tonight though
yeah along with LoM and ct trash i only study for like 10 minutes on the bus to school and my average last year was like 95 + my school is full of wigers and idiots so they ranked me one, i guess the teachers are dmb to to do that :D
"yeah, like LoM said. about 20 minutes."

Yeah, and the reason for this: the south.

"at my school grade point average went up higher than 10"

Stupid Texas not using the 4.0 grading system.
The only class I really study for is Chemistry

I would've gotten straight A's this quarter, except my english teacher is incredibly anal. She took points off my papers because my pen would bleed through the now I can only write on one side of the paper

That's pretty damn anal

I have a friend who is taking 3 AP classes and has 6 hours of homework a night. It's insane
The only AP class that I take is English, but it is actually pretty easy. Definitely not as hard as I expected it to be, and for icing on the cake, our teacher gave birth a few weeks ago, so things are very very very slow in that class right now.
I'm taking AP European History and AP English. Both hard, but both concentrate a lot on essays, which I'm really good at, so I can bullshit my way through.

My overall GPA right now, counting honors & AP courses, is 3.3 or so. I can never convince myself that homework matters more than, say, talking about why it doesn't matter on the Nevermore board.
"Both hard, but both concentrate a lot on essays, which I'm really good at, so I can bullshit my way through."

Exactly. I hate multiple choice, because I suck at guessing. On multiple choice tests, out of all of the questions that I have guessed on EVER, which would be about........somewhere in the thousands or ten-thousands or something, I have gotten like......ten correct, maybe less than that. Luckily, I don't have to guess very often.
Question above to metalskater7, btw...damn you and your ninja posts, LoM.

Multiple choice quizzes suck, especially when you use the AP system like my teacher (taking off an extra quarter of a point for every wrong answer). And I hate taking notes even more...thankfully, if I manage to pull an 80% or higher in an MCQ, no notes for the next unit. Yippee.
"especially when you use the AP system like my teacher (taking off an extra quarter of a point for every wrong answer). "

:lol: My teacher doesn't do that. What I love about AP is that it is on a 5.0 scale instead of 4.0, and I was so close to having that 5.0 A, but fell short with an 88% (98% on the 4.0 scale).
i want to learn about vikings pillaging and burning the west coast of the roman empire!!!!!!
"oh lord, save us from the violance of the norsemen"
no offence, I have friends (Croatian) that finished highschool in your country, and they all agree that your educational system sucks. now one of them even mastered in ... nvrmind... and she laughs... I mean, they all say it's too easy, sometimes even slightly retarded... maybe cuz we're used to the real studying. there are no multiple choice tests here. you get a question, and you have to write the answer. but not an essay or something put in your own words, but real concrete stuff from the books. easier question would be, for instance, "Life in Lower Egypt", then you write what you know about it. and it has to be hella lot, detailed and all correct. :D

or you don't have Oral exams? :D it's the same thing like the written, you just have to talk and talk. in front of the classmates. and then you get a grade. now that's fuckin' stressfull.

over and out. LOL
oral? where are you going with this jk :D
hey Tee if i paid for a plane ticket would you come all the way to my house and sing the chorus from
the heart collector, it will be fun we can have screwdrivers and whiskey sours afterwards!