no offence, I have friends (Croatian) that finished highschool in your country, and they all agree that your educational system sucks. now one of them even mastered in ... nvrmind... and she laughs... I mean, they all say it's too easy, sometimes even slightly retarded... maybe cuz we're used to the real studying. there are no multiple choice tests here. you get a question, and you have to write the answer. but not an essay or something put in your own words, but real concrete stuff from the books. easier question would be, for instance, "Life in Lower Egypt", then you write what you know about it. and it has to be hella lot, detailed and all correct.
or you don't have Oral exams?
it's the same thing like the written, you just have to talk and talk. in front of the classmates. and then you get a grade. now that's fuckin' stressfull.
over and out. LOL