
at least you all didn't live in...




the town's latest news is that a barge is being made a tourist attraction...
Tee said:
no offence, I have friends (Croatian) that finished highschool in your country, and they all agree that your educational system sucks. now one of them even mastered in ... nvrmind... and she laughs... I mean, they all say it's too easy, sometimes even slightly retarded... maybe cuz we're used to the real studying. there are no multiple choice tests here. you get a question, and you have to write the answer. but not an essay or something put in your own words, but real concrete stuff from the books. easier question would be, for instance, "Life in Lower Egypt", then you write what you know about it. and it has to be hella lot, detailed and all correct. :D

or you don't have Oral exams? :D it's the same thing like the written, you just have to talk and talk. in front of the classmates. and then you get a grade. now that's fuckin' stressfull.

over and out. LOL
man thats fucked up! and i thought school was hard already! sheesh! remind me never to move to Croatia and enroll in any sort of education program. :lol:

DBQ? what the fuck is that? and what the fuck is AP english and all that noise?
metalskater7 said:
oral? where are you going with this jk :D
hey Tee if i paid for a plane ticket would you come all the way to my house and sing the chorus from
the heart collector, it will be fun we can have screwdrivers and whiskey sours afterwards!
why, I can sing it at the airport.
and I guess not, only cuz I'm not such a big fan of The Heart Collector.
and cuz you live in Bronx.
and cuz I'd rather sing Passenger.
and cuz I don't exactly love to travel in general.
keep the goodies.
fuck, its 12AM and i still have a ton of homework, plus I have 6 hours of classes plus i have to finish the homework and study tomorrow for midterms on friday saturday and monday.

I am so raped.
Tee said:
why, I can sing it at the airport.
and I guess not, only cuz I'm not such a big fan of The Heart Collector.
and cuz you live in Bronx.
and cuz I'd rather sing Passenger.
and cuz I don't exactly love to travel in general.
keep the goodies.

bah, now you have me all depressed with nothing to look forward to :bah:
though i don't balme your their are no good showes here in europe theres like a great band touring everyday, the last good show around here was amon amarth and i missed it cause of goddman school. :Smug:

heros and rapists they all have nice faces :Spin:
DBQ= document based question= really long tedious boring essay where you have to refer to little paragraphs called documents that represent your ideas. i had to refer to 7 in the one i just did