HOA pics


Leather Rebel
Jul 7, 2003
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Hi all! Since I've been in France the last 2 weeks, I haven't been able to post them sooner. Here I'll share some pics from Headbangers Open Air - a backyard garden festival in Germany. Second time I've been there and it's really great, especially if you're more into the underground metal bands. For me as a nwobhm-fan I got the ( perhaps only) chance to see Weapon and Gaskin this year. Weapon gave - without doubt - the best live show this year. Within the best 5 I've ever seen. Gaskin was great too. Other highlights were Tyrant's Reign who kicked my ass again. Also Warrant were fucking brilliant. I didn't know Primordial before I saw them, and they were waaay above my expectations. Damien Thorn turned me down a bit, because the setlist was disappointing since it contained mainly songs from their coming album that noone had heard yet. Attacker, Maverick, Heathen and Avenger (UK) were the other highlights. Here are the pics, enjoy!

(see main link [delete numbers after slash] for all pictures of bands or drunkards, since I'll not post all links)


Thee Plague of Gentlemen
http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/TPOG/100_2001.JPG
(my compliments btw, loved the show)

http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Avenger/100_2005.JPG

http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Avenger/100_2010.JPG
A guy who came on stage with a horse on his head

http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Primordial/100_2022.JPG

http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Primordial/100_2026.JPG

http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Mithril/100_2037.JPG

http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Maverick/100_2044.JPG
Were above expectations too
http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Maverick/100_2046.JPG

Inner Wish
http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Inner Wish/100_2057.JPG
had some very strong songs, much better than on cd..
http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Inner Wish/100_2060.jpg


Without doubt the best band!!! (of the year even for fucks sake!)
http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Weapon/100_2074.JPG

http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Heathen/100_2106.JPG
Expected more of them. set was too long... never a good sign.


Mystery Blue
http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Mystery Blue/100_2132.JPG
Good again, but the sound was way too loud, and aside from that, not even good. Were much better on Swordbrothers.

http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Mystery Blue/100_2127.JPG

Mirror of Deception
http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Mirror of Deception/100_2141.JPG
Sadly saw too little of their set


Great band! Many oldies, and many songs from Stand or Fall which were great to hear live aswell.
http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Gaskin/100_2153.JPG

http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Warrant/100_2177.JPG

Highly enjoyable

http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Attacker/100_2201.JPG
The Hermit!
http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Attacker/100_2204.JPG

Tyrant's Reign

once again, holy hell!

Damien Thorne
http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/Damien Thorne/101_2239.JPG
Got all psyched when they played their first song Sign of the Jackal, but as it turned out they played way too much songs of their new album which I hadn't heard.

And the best part, drunkards of HOA!
Me and Bruder Cle (Angry Angels), who kept denying it was hot in the bunny-suit.

And this is me thinking knives are tasty..

(a friend took that one)

Front row when Gaskin played: http://www.metalcoven.de/pics/hoa/27.jpg

And I'll finish with part of the Duthc metal squad (and me looking disappointed since my beer is empty)

See all drunk pics here

All pics: http://www.members.lycos.nl/metalucifleur/HOA 2005/

That the next may be as good as the last two!
Griffin- said:

Fleur! How many times I told you not to put things in your mouth?

This daughter of mine is going to kill me...:p

I'm wish I had seen Avenger, glad you enjoy it ;)
oh telling me not to put things in my mouth never worked before ;)
(I used to eat ants as a kid, you see) :lol:
Avenger was good yeah, but still I expected more of it. I guess thats because I'm so fond of Avenger with Brian Ross. Neh, I'm just fond of Brian Ross. And they didn't play Hot 'N Steamy Express! :(
Griffin- said:
oh telling me not to put things in my mouth never worked before ;)
(I used to eat ants as a kid, you see) :lol:

I eat ants in my tea, but that's different :Spin:

Avenger got Ross for like 90 sec, where the rest of the band the classic line-up?
Great pics again, you got a good taste for oldschool festivals !!!
How was the new singer of Damien Thorne?? I'm pretty curious about their new material, but as it didn't appeal to you too much probably won't be that superb...
oh yeah, in november Slough Feg + Ruffians come to "den Auwel" (were Brocas Helm played) , and in december maybe Tresspass, I'll keep you updated !!
carnut said:
Great pics again, you got a good taste for oldschool festivals !!!
How was the new singer of Damien Thorne?? I'm pretty curious about their new material, but as it didn't appeal to you too much probably won't be that superb...
oh yeah, in november Slough Feg + Ruffians come to "den Auwel" (were Brocas Helm played) , and in december maybe Tresspass, I'll keep you updated !!
Great! Give me dates when you have thtem, as early as you can since I'll be moving and all that in November. Trespass.. I remember you told me so. I HAVE to see them.
The new Damien Thorne singer was good, nothing to complain about him, he hit the Sign of the Jachkal tunes well.. But the new Damien Thorne sounded rather, powerless in my opinion.

@J.P: send them over :D
@Wyvern: you're only lucky if you make yourself lucky :p
haha, so you've noticed too.
Yeah, it was a miracle I got the pics sorted, cause all of the folowing band vocalists were bold: Primordial, Thee Plague of Gentlemen, Heathen, Mirror of Deeption, Gaskin, Warrant and Damien Thorne :lol: