hobbies / interest


Sep 30, 2005
Since there is so much hate going on around here...why not see what we have in common outside of metal....


I am a huge comic book nerd. Marvel stuff mostly. I have so much useless knowledge of this stuff it is scary. I also read a few non Marvel books like Y:The Last man and The Walking Dead.

Also a HUGE movie fanatic. I have also so much knowledge on this stuff it is scary. I am mostly into "good" horror films...like most metal...the best stuff isnt from the states. I love lots of docs, indie, and comedies. If it has a good story...I will pretty much watch it.

I have an interest in crime too. I love watching prison shows, gangland, and shows about murderers and stuff. It is interesting to see people so far out of reach with society.

I am also a HUGE practical joker. I love to scare people. The people I work with are always looking around the corner or under thier desk...you never know where I will pop up.

I am also an artist. drawing mostly. now I do mostly video stuff.

anyone else?
I am a big horror movie fan. My favorites are the Evil Dead movies (including, of course, the epic Bruce Campbell classic Army of Darkness), Nightmare on Elm Street (the first and third movie are the best), and Hellraiser (the first two movies). I also used to love to scare kids on Halloween. It was way more worthwhile than getting candy myself. I quit this when I went off to college, though, as I am never home around this time of year anymore. I am also a big Clint Eastwood fan. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is a great movie. It, Pale Rider, Unforgiven, and The Outlaw Josey Wales are absolutely amazing. Lee Van Cleef makes an excellent bad guy, to boot.

I like mostly SciFi and fantasy television shows. Buffy, Angel, The Dresden Files, Stargate SG-1, The X-Files, Doctor Who, Firefly, Quantum Leap, The A-Team, etc. Other than that, a good episode of Law & Order, or SVU, or Monty Python's Flying Circus is good.

I dabble in role playing books. Not a big D&D fan, I mostly prefer cyberpunk - namely Shadowrun. I own quite a few of those novels, as well as several Star Wars EU novels, and am starting to collect Jim Butcher's books that The Dresden Files are based on.

I also used to be big into video games, but I haven't bought a new one in 6 years or so. I still play the original Diablo from time to time or the older Legend of Zelda games, but mostly I surf the internet anymore or play my guitar. Oh yeah, I'm in a band - Wrath of Ragnarok - with pate. Doom it up! :lol:
Bruce Campbell is a super nice guy. Met him at Borders a few years back. he is a guy who knows how to take care of his fans.

With horrror I love lots of the stuff coming from Spain at the moment and Korea.
I love all things equine. I've been horseback riding since I was 7, and up until recently I owned a horse. I rode Saddleseat for many years, and recently (undergrad to now) have been learning hunt seat/jumping. Jumping is fun. :)

I often have my nose buried in a fantasy novel of some sort. Though occasionally I enjoy horror. I've recently been delving into the world of Lovecraft, and have enjoyed visiting. I will also read psychology books and schollarly counseling journals for fun.

I used to be an avid gamer, but now I don't have the time to game. I also don't know anyone in Carbondale that games. I perfer AD&D, but I also like games such as Kobolds Ate My Baby! Ninja Burger, and Munchkin.

I love werewolves. I want to BE a werewolf. If werewolves were real, I would be a werewolf. But alas, no howling at the moon and mauling unsuspecting victims for me. :( So as a result, I sate my werewolf-love by watching werewolf movies. Unfortunately, most werewolf movies suck.

I like to sing. I used to take lessons, but again, I have no time anymore. Sadness. Apparently I used to be pretty good, too. But now I doubt that I am, or was ever any good. Bleh.

I read tarot cards. *can hear the laughter and scoffing from here* Supposedly I'm good at it, at least that's what everyone I've read for tells me. No, I don't charge. I don't have the confidence to charge money for readings, despite what everyone has told me. But that's my hangup.

I like to draw, and I'm somewhat good at it. I haven't drawn anything in a very long time, though. Again, time issue.

I'm addicted to Animal Cops on Animal Planet.
Ginger Snaps is a werewolf flick? I was not aware. That's just not...what I would think of as a Werewolf movie title. I'll have to check it out. Dog Soldiers is also on my list.

The only reason I like animal cops is I like seeing the animals get rescued, and the abusers go to jail. That makes me happy.
Orbweaver: If you're into werewolves and have time to read I have some suggestions for you.

1) the passion by Donna Boyd. Hands down she is the Anne Rice of werewolves.
2) the promise by Donna Boyd
3) the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. There's like 13 or 14 books in the series and there is a ton of werewolf stuff in them.
Orbweaver: If you're into werewolves and have time to read I have some suggestions for you.

1) the passion by Donna Boyd. Hands down she is the Anne Rice of werewolves.
2) the promise by Donna Boyd
3) the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. There's like 13 or 14 books in the series and there is a ton of werewolf stuff in them.

Marvel also has comic versions of the Anita Blake stuff. I never even heard of it until then, never realized how huge it was.

if anyone is a fan of Zombie stuff....I HIGHLY recommend World War Z. best book I have read in many many years.
Good thread topic:
For me, my #1 hobby is music.
This involves the constant search for rare CDs on trade lists / eBay / etc, going to record stores, etc.

I used to be a vinyl addict, which I have told here before in other threads. At one point, I had well over 1000 12", 10", 7" and even 5" records. I started selling these off as I moved multiple times between living at home, college, moving back home, moving out, getting married, etc, etc. Thanks to eBay, I was able to sell most of it at collector prices.

I also play bass.
Thanks to Pate (Lee), I play more now than I have in the past few years. I was not aware that hardware existed which allows you to record your playing onto the PC. I had been out of the loop on all things guitar related for a while. Now I am back, so watch out Geddy Lee!! (Yea right!)

I also dig sports to a certain degree. Baseball is definitely my favorite. I have done fantasy baseball the past few seasons, and it is great, as it keeps you in the loop on teams and players other than the hometown teams you like, which for me is the Cubs. Next would be hockey, though I don't follow it as much as I used to (Thanks initially to the lock out from a while back and the fact the Blackhawks have blown hard since the mid 90's).

I also LOVE bowling. I am in a league.

As far as TV goes, LOST is definitely my favorite.
There are other shows I watch, but could miss an episode and not really care (Though not ROCK OF LOVE, as I can't miss that action!)

Most of my free time though is reserved for family time. Having two young kids prevents me from keeping up with reading, movies, and TV shows, etc. Though if you want to know what's current on the Disney Channel, hit me up!! :lol:
Cool thread...

Music is my main hobby as well. I stick to collecting CDs, but I'm not super rabid about it. I like to buy stuff that I will listen to at some point, however, I do have a respectable number of things that are just for collections sake.

I write songs, play guitar, and sing in a melodic metal band called Brazen Angel (www.myspace.com/brazenmetal) but it's VERY VERY part time unfortunately.

Love true crime books and history books. Not a big fiction reader - figure there's too much real stuff that's cool that I don't know about to go making stuff up.

Not a big movie person. I enjoy watching them, but don't follow actors, directors, etc. I like documentaries and comedies. My favorite movies of all time are Weekend at Bernies and Beetlejuice...so, take that at face value.

I'm also a little red around the neck as I LOVE Monster Trucks and Wrestling! I keep up with Wrestling enough to know who's hold which belts and watch about 3 pay per views a year. I follow Monster Truck racing pretty rabidly though.
Well I mainly write reviews, post news, and write concert reviews (see my signature). When it is nice outside I play frisbee golf. I just started working on a music promotion company so I have been working on that. I am also a somewhat of a beer connoisseur mainly wheat beers or stouts. I like to watch horror movies if I do watch a movie. I am also addicted to pretty much anythign VH 1 reality tv and Prison Break along with the usual Simpsons, Family Guy etc. On the whole though I spend about 3/4 of the time I am awake on the computer doing something metal related.