Hogue Barmichaels, 12/31/02 - 1/1/03 - Another Kick A** Gig!!

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
I already have pics in hand (just need to scan them later...)

Out of the three gigs I've been to, this one had the best sound. I could hear every detail of Linda's drumming (and am now in TOTAL awe of her musicianship...)

Review forthcoming on this thread... in the meantime, one totally awesome performance ladies!!!
Thanks a million to everyone that showed up early. Hopefully us little folk in Downright gave you guys a good show... we sure tried! Thanks to all that came up to us and introduced themselves and for all your kind words. Hope to see ya all soon at a show/club/bar near you!
The Iron Maidens RULE!
Happy New Year to all!


p.s.: Hey Mr. Toasty: Sorry I didn't come up to ya and introduce myself. Hope you enjoyed the show! Good to see people coming from all around the country to see a great Maidens show! Look forward to seeing them pictures, too!
Yeah, a digital camera would be nice. Soon.

Sometimes, though, regular film does cool things, and is pretty quick - I was perusing my 'haul' and this one caught my eye...


I think it's time for a new 'Cousin It' award!

More evidence...


And I finally grabbed another good shot of JoJo in a festive mood - she looks very happy whilst singing there!


Note Wanda's expression - apparently this is her 'intense concentration' look.
its good to know that someone else was rockin out metal style on 12/31/02-01/01/03. i was at stuck mojo's annual show in atlanta. wow they still kick major ass. unfortunately i had to wait through the impotent sea snakes to see them. thats the wierdest crap ive ever seen. granted i was super drunk by that point, so i enjoyed certain parts of the set.

edit: they were giving out free jager and condoms so that bumped up my impression a few notches
Do I post the review here, or elsewhere since the innocence of this thread has been lost...


Mr Toast rings in the New Year with Downright/Anthem/The Merry Maids of Iron!

As many of you know, I flew in from Tennessee (yet again) for this gig. Due to a lack of available seats, the only cheap ticket left was at 2:30 PM the afternoon of December 31st. I ended up spending about an hour driving around looking for the club (issues with Mapquest - but the map still had me close enough that I wasn't actually lost, just looking in the wrong place...). This put me in the parking lot at... 5:30 PM. As I still had a little jet lag, I took a catnap until around 7:30 PM, when I noticed that Linda and Mark had arrived.

I spent the next hour or so helping with load in, chatting with Linda and Mark, and helping decorate the club (the bartender hooked me up with a couple of free Sprites for my efforts). Then I waited around for the first act. I found it amusing that the club was across the street from the John Wayne airport (next time I fly in there), and that a John Wayne movie as playing on a TV in the club as we waited for opening time...

Downright prepared to take the stage, but there were some delays before they finally started playing. I've seen Downright once before, and they did a fine job playing this time around as well.


Downright fits in well with the Nu Metal sound, which would normally turn me completely off, but their guitarists let loose enough to keep me interested. Another interesting note is that their bassist plays his bass 'upside down', and had a pretty nice sound. They were offering free CD's, so of course I made it a point to pick one up.

At some point, Sara walked in, catching the last song or two of Downright in the process. Sara is usually one of the early arrivals (for the Maidens), and she has made it a point to check out the other bands each time I've been out.

Wanda also walked in at some point, so as soon as I was aware of her presence (this being our first encounter), I ambushed her with the Evil Toast Cam and the Flash Of Doom...


apologies for the delay - was making a collage...

After Downright finished and a short break, Anthem took the stage. I was very impressed with their stage show (hey, it had lots of lasers, and pretty colored lights that swiveled!). They also did a fine job covering many of my favorite Rush tunes.


There were some minor issues with the sound, but nothing significant enough to ruin the show. I should add that fog was predominant throughout the night (even Downright had lots of fog) so there was a haze in the air for pretty much the entire night.

I also took a quick snapshot of Jen at some point...


And it was nice to see the gals/crew relaxing and enjoying the show!


After Anthem finished their set, it was time for everyone to get to work, and the dreaded Toast Flash to do it's work...






Bill (thanks Jen for ID'ing him!!!) with Redshirt looking on


Sara gets festive...

Well, as luck would have it, before the Maidens set could commence, we had a new year to ring in...


After that little distraction (way to salute the new year Smylex!), the Maidens got down to business. The gals were up to their usual performance level (i.e. Dead On), but as the sound system/acoustics/whatever are particularly good at Hogues, they sounded AWESOME!!!









I need to blow this picture up... Linda was making quite a few silly expressions whilst not missing a beat!


The dedicated salesman hawking Maidens wares in the back...



That's pretty much it for the pics. I will say again the sound was absolutely incredible. I could hear Linda's every beat clearly and still hear everyone else firing off notes/singing clearly as well. The sound guy even pulled a live recording off the sound system, and he played this recording after the Maidens finished the set.

I can't remember the setlist, other than it opened (of course) with Aces High, and Powerslave, The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, Hallowed (not Revelations), Die With Your Boots On, and 22 Acacia Avenue were on the list. I feel completely spoiled, and must say now that if Bruce Dickinson were to substitute for Jen, I don't think even die hard fans could tell that it was the Maidens playing and not Maiden...

Sara asked me for the dirt after the set. I only caught a couple of 'hiccups'. A couple of song intros (first note or two) seemed slightly off to my ear, and I think Wanda's fingers got a little tired during the Rime (the really long part where she's the only one playing), but I don't think she actually missed any notes; the volume just sounded a little weak on a couple of notes... excusable seeing the fact that she'd been playing for what, 12 minutes straight at that point?

Mr Toast apologizes to the new girl; the fact I need to nitpick just shows how good you gals really are! Even the Maiden guys miss a couple of notes onstage I'm sure...

It was very much worth the trip, gals! I can't think of a better way to spend my New Years Eve!!!

Thanks for the awesome show!
Mr Toast
I'm sure that someone out there would like me to apologize for my behavior in dealing with one member of the audience, but I feel that it does help set an important example of what happens when you make the mistake of getting on the stage, after taking microphones from their stand.