
Oct 13, 2003
NL - Gelderland
ok who of you have already vacation?

i have alreay for 2 weeks but im bored as hell and this is no summer its raining all the fucking time...argh...

and im not going i should lock myself up in my room..with lots of beer and chips...and hope when i come out the weather is good...or maybe that im so drunk that i think that the weather is good and i go for a swimand drown...
OK, my report on the vacation to come starts with a big ARGH. :rolleyes:

first off, my li'l sister came to Zagreb to apply for two faculties (math and/or business economy). it's stressfull cuz I'm used to a nice relaxed life where there's only space for Metalized, Bodo, Pavitsa (our two kittens) and me. and of course, occasionaly, our überdear, lovely, witty (drinking) and hanging out buddies, my old oh so old friends... :dopey:
so, as my sis didn't grow up with me - she's my dad's 3rd child, I'm his 1st and 11 yrs older than her, I simply gotta help her. she's smart and weird (appreciated :D ), though stares at the TV constantly without moving, without saying a word, unless I start a crazy talk ...she's making us feel a bit uncomfy... we can't walk around the way we want to, Nik has to put on an asbestos suit almost when going to piss in the morning etc.... :Smug:
when she leaves, in a weak or so we have to decide wether we're taking the cats with us on the trip to Greece (by car!) or not. depends what the vet will say. they are babies, one of them is very sensitive (the boy :D), I'm sooooo terrified...... fucking vacation. I wanna go to Greece, swim in the lovely Egeian sea, hang out with cool metal buddies but don't wanna leave them, esp.not in a hotel for cats. a room= 1 m2 big cage..... money is not the issue... but my babies.... :(

anyone has experience with taking their cat on a trip? please, give some recommendation....

oh, and on August 2nd I'm back at work.
not going anywhere either. unless nevermore decides to fucking tour and maybe i'll catch some of the shows around here. otherwise... nothing. recording an EP. working. all that shiz.
I have a sweet deal with my job. I get to take an entire month off paid. I am using the time to study computer programming and get into a better line of work. I am also using it to upgrade a few sections of my webzine. This may sound boring for some, but not to me...I'm a pretty boring person.
hmmm well ozzfest on monday, and then on the 18th i head off for a program at yale for three weeks, the third summer i'll be doing this... i have friends at this program and i'll be taking courses on Music Appreciation (which means i get to make other people listen to my music) and Existentialism. Should be pretty cool.
Tee - maybe you could have a friend stay over your place and take care of your cats while you guys are gone? When we went to NC 2 years ago, one of my dad's friends stayed over here to take care of the cats and dog, but he said he never saw Lilly, my cat, at all for the entire week or so he was here. She his in the basement. That's my girl :D

Not sure about vacations ... my dad said there's a possibility of us going to Canada to visit my aunt & uncle, and see my great-aunt, since her husband died recently. But that's probobly not likely. Other than that, I just hang out here, mainly loosing my soul to the Internet, and making sure my brother & sister don't destroy things/kill each other/kill me while parents are at work. I might be able to take a driver's ed class during the summer, so I'll be closer to driving and being able to abandon the evil kids :hotjump:
well im gonna do a number of things this month but most of them arent very big...this weekend im going back to my aunts house, the weekend after we are having a baby shower for my sister-in-law and then theres Ozzfest where ill be heading to SF for a few days....i dunno about August...
I'm going to Albuquerque again next week for 5 days, to see Eric. We might go some other places around there, not sure yet. I don't know about it being a "holiday" but I'm not at work and I'm away from Dallas and spending time with someone I love, so I'll be happy.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
Tee - maybe you could have a friend stay over your place and take care of your cats while you guys are gone? When we went to NC 2 years ago, one of my dad's friends stayed over here to take care of the cats and dog, but he said he never saw Lilly, my cat, at all for the entire week or so he was here. She his in the basement. That's my girl :D
thanks for the suggestion.

though, the problem is that it turned out that all the arrangments went down the drain. all the friends who said they would, now say they can't, one would, but he went to Syria to work :erk: , my sister who said "no pro" and is staying over at the moment, told me in the last minute that she's going to the coast to work on July 20th. now that was the time she was supposed to be here.... and blah-blah. I just hope the vet will give us the green light to take them with us. nothing else will work. oh, did I mention that they freak out when they hear the truck engine, LOL, weird sounds coming from the street (we're on the first floor), etc? :Smug: