well first off i just rejoined ultimatemetal. i had to delete my old account it wouldn't ever let me post anything so i finally made a new one, so i have been reading all your posts for a while and im glad i can finally post now
anyway about the show.........The show was said to be 21+ which was total bullshit, on the ticket and the HOB website it said 18+, so im sorry for the mishap for those who couldnt go because of the age issue, what a load of shit! okay anyway first up was Vehemence, and i must say they impressed me, i didn't know what to expect because i never heard much material from them b4 the show, and i must say they kicked ass. their set was waaaaay to short i beleive it was 40 minutes or so. but a very good 40 minutes, not too many ppl were there early but the ones who were got treated to some kick ass metal from them. next was revenge......and what can i say.......they were just horrible!! no offense to any revenge fans, but they didnt even deserve to play first, Vehemence should have easily been b4 them but oh well, they are a 3 piece from canada, every song sounded the same, and all 3 guitar solos were the same exact thing.The funny thing is that they had literally 5 fans there, and i talked to one of them, and he said that they are just supporters that were payed by revenge to go to every show and support them HAHAH! i couldnt help but to laugh. Next up was Behemoth, took them a long time to set up, i don't know if there was a problem or what since the HOB has a giant curtain hiding the stage, so no one could see what was going on. But once they came on they kicked everyones asses!! they got a very good response, they played a good mix of material(but from their more recent albums, just 1 old song "From the Pagan Vastlands") they played about 45 minutes, it was great to see Behemoth finally since it is their first time in the states.
Next of course was the mighty Amon Amarth......easily the best band there. Everyone was into them, the moshpit was crazy!! the setlist was(in no particular order) Death in Fire, Stabwounds..., Vs the World, Victorious March, Annihilation, bleed for ancient gods, and masters of war, and i think maybe one more. Their sound was great, no flaws at all, my only complaint was those damn annoying screaming girls i guess they are everywhere AA is
i was right in front of one and she just annoyed the crap outa me, but AA was well worth it, they had great presence, Johan even spit his beer on me hahaha, i even got one of Fredricks sticks
great show put on by the AA guys!!
Next was Deicide....i gotta say they played pretty well too, nothing comparable to AA but i enjoyed their set, they played all my fav. deicide songs like bible basher, deicide, dead by dawn, once upon a cross, and sacrificial suicide. Glen was pretty damn drunk, he would talk about total bullshit for like 5 minutes between each song, that pissed people off, i dunno if he did that on purpose or what but it got people pissed, which made them more brutal especially in the pit, the deicide pit was more brutal than AA, i got punched in the face by some fat nazi girl, which was not fun at all, but i was to pissed to care, but overall Deicide was pretty good, they should not have been headliners tho, i would have loved to see AA play for 90 minutes instead of them.
overall it was a great show i gave it 9/10, if revenge wasnt there and AA would have headlined it would have been 10/10.great night of metal, i was sad to see it end, it was finally great to see one of my fav. bands play for the first time (AA)

anyway about the show.........The show was said to be 21+ which was total bullshit, on the ticket and the HOB website it said 18+, so im sorry for the mishap for those who couldnt go because of the age issue, what a load of shit! okay anyway first up was Vehemence, and i must say they impressed me, i didn't know what to expect because i never heard much material from them b4 the show, and i must say they kicked ass. their set was waaaaay to short i beleive it was 40 minutes or so. but a very good 40 minutes, not too many ppl were there early but the ones who were got treated to some kick ass metal from them. next was revenge......and what can i say.......they were just horrible!! no offense to any revenge fans, but they didnt even deserve to play first, Vehemence should have easily been b4 them but oh well, they are a 3 piece from canada, every song sounded the same, and all 3 guitar solos were the same exact thing.The funny thing is that they had literally 5 fans there, and i talked to one of them, and he said that they are just supporters that were payed by revenge to go to every show and support them HAHAH! i couldnt help but to laugh. Next up was Behemoth, took them a long time to set up, i don't know if there was a problem or what since the HOB has a giant curtain hiding the stage, so no one could see what was going on. But once they came on they kicked everyones asses!! they got a very good response, they played a good mix of material(but from their more recent albums, just 1 old song "From the Pagan Vastlands") they played about 45 minutes, it was great to see Behemoth finally since it is their first time in the states.
Next of course was the mighty Amon Amarth......easily the best band there. Everyone was into them, the moshpit was crazy!! the setlist was(in no particular order) Death in Fire, Stabwounds..., Vs the World, Victorious March, Annihilation, bleed for ancient gods, and masters of war, and i think maybe one more. Their sound was great, no flaws at all, my only complaint was those damn annoying screaming girls i guess they are everywhere AA is

Next was Deicide....i gotta say they played pretty well too, nothing comparable to AA but i enjoyed their set, they played all my fav. deicide songs like bible basher, deicide, dead by dawn, once upon a cross, and sacrificial suicide. Glen was pretty damn drunk, he would talk about total bullshit for like 5 minutes between each song, that pissed people off, i dunno if he did that on purpose or what but it got people pissed, which made them more brutal especially in the pit, the deicide pit was more brutal than AA, i got punched in the face by some fat nazi girl, which was not fun at all, but i was to pissed to care, but overall Deicide was pretty good, they should not have been headliners tho, i would have loved to see AA play for 90 minutes instead of them.
overall it was a great show i gave it 9/10, if revenge wasnt there and AA would have headlined it would have been 10/10.great night of metal, i was sad to see it end, it was finally great to see one of my fav. bands play for the first time (AA)