Arguing can be of great value aslong as you're not a close-minded twit like this Patrick Ewing fellow. Take the other day, when I bumped the NSBM thread and said some bigoted unpleasantries about every demographic from here to the Baltic Sea. For a moment in my convoluted mind, I actually felt what I was saying was right. But how could that be, when individuals of tremendous caliber like Mr. Ali, who are far more productive than a major portion of the breed who I am championing walk amongst us? It just can't. You have to open up your heart to people, judge them by their character, stop being so fucking cynical at everything and everyone, and just live life for you're own self enlightenment.
Read as many text books as you want on any given subject, it's not going to amount to squat if you're not looking at the information objectively.
And Remember, Hitler is dead, and in all likelihood died a homosexual. Henceforth, shut the fuck up.
Fuck this shit, I'm turning in to a hippie.