Holy crap, Regimental Records STORE is only 6 miles from my house


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge

So I'm checking their website to see what's in stock (since they have a 3 CD for $25 deal going on), and lo and behold if a news item doesn't say "store now open."

The address is in Belleville, NJ, which literally is only 6 miles from my house. Ha ha, oh shit, that's bad.

Anyone want anything? :D
Ellestin said:
some sweet stuff in this store, Gugs :D

Anything you want/need? It's probably quite a financial bargain for me to buy them in $US and ship them to you, since the Euro is so much stronger than the dollar.

I'm going to go check it out later today, so just give a shout if you want anything.
Thanks for the offer but no, I have only rarities left on my want-list, at least for a few more weeks.

I just surveyed their list and thought... you know... Someone like this guy Markgugs might haul the shit out the store.
Ellestin said:
Thanks for the offer but no, I have only rarities left on my want-list, at least for a few more weeks.

I just surveyed their list and thought... you know... Someone like this guy Markgugs might haul the shit out the store.


I could, but won't, b/c I just don't have the cash. But if they're willing to accept the 3/$25 in-store (and not just online), I'll probably pick up 6 CDs or so. They do have a lot I'd to check out, that's for sure. :)