Holy crap. So who here likes Hammers, Asunder, and Slough Feg?

Its about 6 hours from LA to SF and you'd have to go through some horrible traffic.

It'd actually take me 8 hours to drive from Salt Lake City to SF, thinking about. You fuckers and your tall ass states.
I need to live in San Fransisco.

Upcoming gigs:

this one here in this ol' thread
Ludicra / Giant Squid
Red Sparrowes
Hammers again with... Genghis Tron

All in the month of March at $8 a show.
Yeah, I heard of that Ludicra/G.Squid gig... I envy those who live in SF as I cannot make THAT many trips :P

I Will see ludicra sometime this year, though.
I've seriously talked to the wife about moving to San Fran. The underground circuit there is just so extraordinary, creativity seems to thrive there for some reason.

Problem is, it's just so damn expensive. Do you know where the poor people from San Fran end up moving to? New York City.
I'd love to live there some day, or at very least to return for a couple of weeks. I think we spent all of two nights in the city :erk:

I don't, however, plan to make enough money to come anywhere close.
After seeing the recent news footage about Google (being the greatest place on earth to work and coming 1st in the fortune 100 companies), I looked into real estate in Mountain View and Foster City.

$600K for a 2 bedroom townhouse. :guh:

I know people who live there, but they rent. Renting is more affordable at only $2500 per month. :hypno:
I was actually researching living in SF, or around it, at one point... I realized I could afford an rat infested apartment pretty much.

Saving up a large chunk of my money (though it may not seem like it considering the amount I travel these days), so I can move somewhere that has a bit more 'culture' than utah.
San Francisco shits all over LA in so many ways, which is probably why it's stupid expensive. I'm living at home right now because there is no way I could afford to live on my own on this city. You'd need to be either a well-paid professional (six figures a year) or do a share rental with roommates to move to this city now. Hell, I'm pretty sure my parents couldn't afford it if we hadn't bought the house twelve years ago.
Tijuana > Los Angeles
Las Vegas > Los Angeles
Bakersfield > Los Angeles
Palmdale > Los Angeles
Uganda > Los Angeles

There is no city that falls below this cesspool.

With that being said I didn't find San Francisco so far removed from the Los Angeles lifestyle. Homosexuals, liberals, pan handlers, etc etc. I want something more than a city that has clean air, some nice decor, and a hipster vibe. Thats why I'm moving to Green Bay to work as a cheese packer. :kickass: