Holy crap!


Death is life
Dec 6, 2001
I just got a promo from Karmageddon Media/New Aeon of the Ribspreader album.. It is really great! Reminds me of the first Bloodbath album but maybe a little more old school.. Great vocals, great guitar sound, great production!
Every year I buy 20 copies of one album to give to my friends for holiday gifts.. This is this year's album! I have to support the underground, you know!

I have listened to it 5 times in two days, and it gets better every time.. Let me ask you, Paganizer.. Did you write all the music? I am under the impression you did, and that Dan produced and did drums.. Is this right? Also, please tell me there will be more Ribspreader in the future!
I just downloaded an MP3 from their website, and all I have to say is...HOLY SHIT!!! Fucking awesome stuff. How come I never heard tell of this project until today? Was Dan involved in the songwriting at all, or was he just a "guest", so to speak?

I will DEFINITELY pick up Bolted To The Cross as soon as it is released!
Cerebus said:
So when's it coming out?

April 5th, according to the Karmageddon Media homepage. I would have to believe that is the European release date--have no idea when it is going to be released over here in North America.
Cool you guys like the Ribspreader stuff as much as we do.
To answer your questions the band consists of me (Rogga, Paganizer), Dea (Another Life) and your fave human being Dan of course.
Me and Dea wrote the stuff for the album, I did 5 songs, Dea 3 and then I growled my guts out and as you might gather Dan plays drums as only he can and he also does the leads on the album.

The album will be out april 5th, and I anticipate the US will get it within the coming months hopefully. Atleast that is what the labels says...

Other great news are that we´re recording the second album sometime in september and Dan is still doing drums and leads then aswell. The follow up will probably be unleashed sometime in the coming winter.

Ok, any questions at all are welcome and please feel free to haunt Karmageddon so they print some shirts on the coverprint which is sick (in a cool way of course).
Wtf.. the running order on the back of my copy is fucked up.. I assume everyone else here has got that little misstake too, or?
I believe my copy of the new Ribspreader is waiting for me at the post office. I'll be picking it up after 1:00 PM today. Been waiting a long time for this one--it took over two weeks in the mail and I have to pay a fucking duty charge of $8.48! :(

Oh well, I'm sure it will be more than worth the hassle.
Yup, the tracklisting on the back is fukked up. Apparently the layoutguy used an old tracklisting even though he said he had the new one... what can u do?
Anyway here´s proper if anyone cares:
track 1-3 is correct then ít should be; hollow beliefs, as you bleed, sole sufferer, the unblessed, morbidity awoken

Ok, hope all you who spent your quartes and dimes on this one likes it. We didn´t try our best but in the end it sure sounds like it anyway I think... ; )
This stuff is fucking awesome, will try to order this thing soon. Rogga you sound like a perfect blend of Swano and Akerfeldt with your vocals, its awesome.