holy crap

seriously tho i mean wtf. my roommate might be able to get a van from his job to come get me but otherwise im going to have to fucking hoof it.

totally a city.
it's the grid system that makes walking in NYC annoying. In Belgrade you can take shortcuts through parks and back streets to everything which actually makes it easier to walk than take buses around the city, if you're not lazy.
i like walking, and will consider it tomorrow if i need to... today i was getting a ride into town later than i usually get started, due to having had some important stuff to do at home (phone interview with hot swede), and in the bumper-to-bumper realized it wasn't worth it, i'd get in so late, then never be able to get out, and that my employer didn't really need me. minx - know anything about the whole walking over the williamsburg bridge scene? its walking over bridges that really freaks us americans out, azal.
dude in the summers and shit i walk for hours on my way home. and normally i wouldnt even care, last week i walked home from work (1 hour walk) but it's the week before christmas and i have a buncha stuff to do and can't carry all my crap around :( plus my cheeks are all red from the cold.