holy crap

update: strike may be over. both sides have agreed to resume work while negotiations continue. i'm thinking we may seen trains running as early as late late tonight but tomorrow morning for kind-of sure!
i guess it takes something like 12 hours to start after they decide to go back and they may not decide until like 4 which is lame. hopefully they DO decide to go back because they're still saying they "may" go back to work, not that they definitely will after this board hearing/meeting.
Well you could have all of that with a decent content management apps and it would tons easier to manage. My site is all of that and I can add whatever gallery app I want and it will integrate with it. these things are pretty fexible...
well if you could do that for me easily that'd be awesome. i'd love to have clickable thumbnail galleries of pictures from "kayo dot at o'briens in allston 10/6/04" or whatever and i know there's programs/code to do that quickly but i would have to just write all the html raw and it's a pain so i havent yet gotten around to doing it.
Alex, the first thing you need to check out is:

Second, there are tons of free content management programs that can do pretty much whatever you want for free. The toughest thing is having it looking the way you want. If you have simple needs in terms of layout it is pretty easy to do. Whether it is with a database or not. I have no problem setting it up for either of you...
my computer is having serious freezing problems which i think can only be solved by a total re-format. once i do that (hopefully this break) i'll check back with those apps.
roller blading to and from work in the west village today was actually fun. now i remember that roller blading is awesome. and silly looking! the bridge part was still shitty though. took a ride for just over it this morning though.
wow, today i rollerbladed all over the place and was totally loving it, and now i am too lazy to walk like two blocks to buy some snacks
im so glad i can take the bus and listen to my ipod without having to see my boss's fuckin mug first thing in the am.
oh and someone pulled the emergency brake on the subway (the M) last night! it felt like it was crashing or something. like a loud metal bang and the train stopped really short and my friend riv and i slid down the entire bench into the bars. weird. not scary tho. just weird.
Azal + Alex are going to get together and declare the stagnant traffic hordes of rocs in war machines then proceed to LARP in the streets.