Holy F&*KING SHIT!!!


The Death of Balance
Dec 8, 2002
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for those of you at the downtown show tonight. . .3 words. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! This was hands down, the best rock show i have ever seen. Sound was awsome, could hear everyone, all members were on top of their game (especially russell!!). All the songs were performed beyond belief. sure they coulda played out of the ashes, or something from damnation game, but what they did play, they played too well. ooooooo man, the freakin Odyssey, JAW DROPPINGLY EPIC and BEAUTIFUL! wow, i gotta crash now. I hope some people got it on video or audio, it was magical.
They took out The Accolade too...but the show owned. The sound was awesome. Best sound they've had when I've seen them. Setlist was:

Communion and the Oracle
King of Terrors
Accolade II
Smoke and Mirrors
Sea of Lies
Of Sins and Shadows


The Odyssey
Is there any specific reason as to why they took those two songs out? Out of the ashes is one of my favorite songs and it would be a shame if they didn't play it. Are they planning on adding different songs?
Symphony X owned that place last night, every last member was on top of their game...strangely enough, the setlist features my three favorite Romeo solos (second one in Communion and The Oracle, Accolade II, and Circe.) They may have removed those songs due to time considerations...thanks a lot, you shitty local openers!
I hope if they are forced to drop anything in Detroit it's something like Wicked or King of Terrors. They are good songs, but I've already seen each of those 3 times live and I've never seen Out of the Ashes or either Accolade live and I want to see those!
Yeah, it really was a great fuckin' show and you could tell that they were happy to be back home(I am too). As for the setlist truncation(which I tore a copy of off the stage afterward), from the opening bands jerking off, filibustering with the mic, and the sound guys continuously dicking around; that tore a good chunk of time out of the guys' performance. But it didn't really matter. They really fuckin' smoked.

My personal highlight was "Smoke And Mirrors".:)

And "The Odyssey" was really really really.....
aw shit

Make your own extravagent adjective of praise.:cool:
I agree with all of you, that show was magical, inspiring, and filled with tons of energy.. I've never had a better time as I did last night, they put on a (no word can describe) show!
Yeah, it was an awesome show this Wednesday! I've never been to Downtown before, I actually liked the place. Sound was excellent, even local bands sounded good.

I was very curious how Odyssey would sound live, and it was awesome! They pulled it off to perfection, just amazing. The set was kinda short. It was really awkward when 50 mins into their set, Russel says, we only have 1 song left to play! Well, I was expecting Odyssey for the encore, but still , the set felt really short, even though it was 90 mins. I noticed that their dropped 2 songs from their PP set (I didn't go but I saw the PP set), was this because they were running out of time, or was 90 mins their normal set length?

So what do you guys think of DTB? I just started listening to STB/SYL less then a month ago, I thought it was really weird it first, but now the more I listen, the more I like it! DTB can be mellow and intense at the same time. I was curious to see how SX fans would like DTB, the reaction was kinda cold at first, but after Devin pulled off a few really cool solos, I think he won the crowd over!

I was a bit disappointed by the turnout, but then again, I didn't really expect the place to sell out, either.

I finally managed to get my hands on SX t-shirts! At the 2 shows I've been to before, they only had XL, it's too large for me! Got myself a long sleeve and a short-sleeve one. Shit, I can't believe I've spent $55 on t-shirts! To answer someone's question, they had "The Odyssey" tour shirt, "V" shirt, and one-sided "masks" shirt. I think they were all both long and short sleeves. Regular shirts were $25, long-sleeves were $30. They also had a hoodie, hats and some other stuff.

@Christina - if you are reading this thread... I was the guy who recognized you from your photo ;)

I'm leaving to go to Asbury Park shortly. I can't wait. Even with the incredibly shortened time constraint, any Symphony X is better than no Symphony X. This is going to be great...
I would go to this, but the sound at the asbury park convention hall auditorium watever it is SUCKS. I saw Queens of the Stone Age there, and I could hardly hear anything but vocals and drums.

btw, ive been a QOTSA fan since the self titled. Aint no Songs for the Deaf band wagon fan, even though that album is awsome. too bad stoner rock had to die in the mid ninties :yell:
I'm not even bothering with metal fest. It's a long drive for me, and seeing bands play for like 20 mins doesn't really do it for me. I considered going when Lacuna Coil was rumored to be there, but it turned out to be just a rumor...
GKnight56 said:
@Christina - if you are reading this thread... I was the guy who recognized you from your photo ;)

Hey baby!! It was nice to meet you. You should have stuck around after the show because Russ asked me the exact question I told you he would ask. Haha. Matt (Yngvai X) was my witness, though.

Stardust2112 said:
Hey baby!! It was nice to meet you. You should have stuck around after the show because Russ asked me the exact question I told you he would ask. Haha. Matt (Yngvai X) was my witness, though.

Hey Cristina! Well, the show ended at 1:00am, I had to be on time at work the next day... Yeah, I know, excuses, excuses... I'm not big on hanging out with the bands (except Lacuna Coil), but I've ran into Russel once at a Dream Theater show. He seemed nice, but we didn't have much time to talk. Maybe I'll stick around next time ;)