holy mother of God!

Dew Scented and Despised Icon both both bore me, but he rest of the lineup looks fantastic. I remember after I got back from Maryland Death Fest this year I didnt even want to listen to anything remotely metal for awhile. Two days of blast beats can take a toll on you.
For me and anyone else who finds brutal death relentlessly boring, it would all start to blur after the second hour or fourth beer or such...anyone who could endure the entire bill with his headbang reflex on the whole time is a greater masochist than I thought existed...now there's a Royal Pinkage sentiment for ya. :)
Demonspell said:
...it would all start to blur after the second hour or fourth beer or such...
Agreed. I like this kind of music, but only when I'm in the mood, and even then, in 30 minute increments. After that, I need to lighten things up, at least somewhat.

Wish I could go, but the Monday factor just ruins it for me. Unless it's an absolute can't miss must see show where I can afford to schedule a vacation day the next day, it's going to have be Friday or Saturday night for me to consider the trek from now on. Slough Feg was fun, but definitely not worth the vacation day and hotel money.
will have to abstain from extreme music for about 2 weeks prior to this show ... i really just want to see Decapitated and Suffocation.
What a bunch of pussies! I listen to gay hippie music but still go to 8 hour death fests!