Holy piss-poor tour routing Batman!!!


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Check out an excerpt from the upcoming JOEY BELLADONNA tour schedule:
May 06 - Club Toxic - Green Bay, WI
May 07 - Doug’s Place - Aurora, IL
May 08 - Vnuks - Milwaukee, WI
May 09 - Reggie’s Rock Club - Chicago, IL

Me thinks his agent could benefit from a US map!!!

Green Bay to Aurora back up to Milwaukee, then down to Chicago????

Anyone find it funny that the tour is called NEVER LOOK BACK?????

I am sure at minimum, 50% of the setlist will be comprised of ANTHRAX classics.
More like 95% of the setlist. I remember he used that local Anthrax tribute band as his backing band several years ago.

I have no interest in seeing Belladonna play a solo show.