Holy shit. Amazing dream last night...

So last night I decided to go to bed with Om's Conference of the Birds playing and I managed to stay up for like half of At Giza but then all of a sudden I found myself being carried off by a whole shitload of birds taking me all around the world to every major religious site from ancient times and I got to see the real worship practices of the people there and my dreamself grew to understand the true spiritual origins of humanity.

Needless to say - I'm sleeping with Om on more often.

I frequently have way cooler dreams than that. Ever smoked weed with Charles Manson in a flying tote bag? I didn't think so.
I dreamt my school got enveloped by a giant purple blob.

Then months later, had the dream AGAIN, knew what was happening, but still couldn't save the day.

My past couple of tries of sleeping with metal on to have awesome dreams have failed.