Holy shit....England = 1984?

That's just ridiculous. The Brits probably swear more than anyone else on the planet, in day to day conversation.

And I quote:

"One of my mates said, 'What have you been up to', and I swore when I replied," he said.

I can tell you that he answered with "Fuck all, mate" -- which means "I haven't been up to anything, my good friend". :tickled:

This is an extreme one-off and I put it down to a bored policeman with nothing better to do. The judge will throw this out immediately.
lizard said:
Tully, what have you done with cthulufhtagn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :loco:
haha, well i don't have a hell of a lot of sympathy for the guy but 3 years? that's a little extreme, don't you think? a simple caning would suffice :tickled:
About the only places not turning into 1984 are run by murdering dictators or raving mad Muslims.

Freedom is so fucked.

Well this was prescient.

England has gone full dystopian and arrests people for making "transphobic" comments on social media. I think a couple of recent rulings have been in favor of free speech so maybe the madness is peaking. But I doubt it.
itt: an american calling out other countries for "going full dystopian"
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