So I'm finally moving out.

How do I combat the possible rap invasion?

  • Be civil, allocate set times for each genre to be played.

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Use numbers to overpower him as there a two metalheads in the house.

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Whenever he tries to put rap on, beat him senseless and leave him out in the scalding summer sun

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • Stay in my room as it has everything I need, Internet, metal and guitar

    Votes: 9 42.9%

  • Total voters

Claws of Perdition

Wipes sitting down
Jul 7, 2005
Australia, not Austria
A couple of mates and I have found a place and are moving in within a few weeks. The rent is awesomely cheap but there is a problem...

One of my mates like's metal, thats cool even though he limits himself to In Flames and dark tranquillity *shakes head*
but the other likes rap :yuk: *head shakes violently*

I can see there being a big shit fight for stereo rights in the living room as we are both very head strong about music how should I combat this?
old DT = WIN

i fought a losing battle for the stereo when i had roommates, and that was with a bit of equal ground between us (maiden, tool, a few others). get headphones, and learn to deal with shit you don't want to listen to. you have no idea how many hours i was forced to endure 311, i used to like that band but just thinking about them makes me feel nauseous.
Erik said:
compromise! listen to reroute to remain! everyones happy!
Bah! :yuk:

Now my mate wants his girlfriend to move in o_O
Lets just say we don't get along in anyway, shape or form. To make it worse she listens to Good charlotte and shit :yell: :yell:

Im going to block the matter, but how can i do it without pissing off my good mate?

ohh and BUMPED!
she'll be paying rent, right? if not, put your foot down, NOW, because she will take over your bathroom, stereo, and everything else.
if she pays rent it is only going to take off a whopping $8.

The main thing is she is an annoying childish bint, who is loud, listens to shitty music and whenever i get drunk i feel like hitting her in the face with a blunt hard object because she is that annoying. It takes an effort for me to get that pissed off to want to hit someone.
Claws of Perdition said:
if she pays rent it is only going to take off a whopping $8.
what? how is that possible? is your combined rent like $24 dollars or something?
bwahahahahahahahaha! ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?
thats funnier than youll ever know.
dude, my dad owns the place I stay at and he charges me $425/mo. and that's just me, he charges my sister the same thing.

anyway, if it's only like eight bucks difference, now I say oppose it AT ALL COSTS (unless she has hot friends)
MajestikMøøse said:
dude, my dad owns the place I stay at and he charges me $425/mo. and that's just me, he charges my sister the same thing.

anyway, if it's only like eight bucks difference, now I say oppose it AT ALL COSTS (unless she has hot friends)

we will be hit up like $400 monthly, its cheap for what the house is and stuff.

No she doesnt have hot friends, well there are a few but she aint moving in!