holy shit i did something wout superior 2.0 for once!!!!!

sounds good man, i quite like that snare, is that just superior or with expansion?

keep it up man
some faggot in california who has devil wears prada bballshorts edited them, he's good but a total douche.
those guitars are distractingly wide
that first bit of soloed guitar about 30 seconds in sounds like its coming from just to the left of my left speaker

sick tone though
These vocals are killing me, man. They sound like the guy was doing them VERY quietly, and his breathing in feels louder than the actual vocals.
i mean like it sounds like its coming frm outside the left speaker

GUITARSHIT SPEAKER ________________ SPEAKER <blank>
like thattt
I think he meant that the drums arent DFHS w/out (without).

Really like the glitching at one point in the song, sounds awesome. Any details, using reason or anything, or just 16th/32nd note splicing?

Kick is a little quiet on my monitors, although I have just re setup my system, so not that used to it.

yeww i remember you from soundclick, your stuff was sick as hell man, i remember having your deftones cover and that doomy track on constant repeat on my ipod a couple of years ago, sickening stuff.
ryan uses dblue glitch vst for his glitchy shit i believe
Hey cheers man! I use to post under lepersmeesa, but decided I would make a new account to streamline all my online stuff to one thing. Glad you dug those tunes, the doom track was a lot of fun to play/write/record!

Back on topic sorry! Will check out that VST