
Originally posted by Eramaajarvi
What's wrong with HammerFall?????? It's like, the best power band EVER!!! Joacim Cans is a great vocalist and I also apretiate him as a person.

Now RHAPSODY is cheesy.....

Their into just about as much as Rhapsody, and their guitar player looks like a strange annorexic elf.....:err:
Bah. Turilli just about exaggerates. Now Cans and Dronjak.... By the way, does anyone of you know what "Dronjak" means?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
It's a common surname among the Bosnian Serbs (I think that's it) and I think that's where Oscar's roots are...
Anyway "Dronjak" is something like dirty, all torn out, smelly piece opf clothes! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
