Alpha Crucis
Lord Ethrakh Crail
I use Cubase SX and i have a Terratec DMX 6fire 24/96. It has a break out box which has loads of in/out puts on the front of the PC so it makes everything nice and easy and it only cost me £160! it's a great soundcard.
Regarding software, you can get pirate versions of pretty much anything you want, Cubase cost like £400, so it's worth having a cracked copy of that.
I've recorded all of my solo Blackmetal project with this setup, so if it can handle me screeching my guts into it and obscenley trebley guitars, i would have thought it could do most things.
If you want some really pro instrument sounds like drums or strings and stuff, get a copy of Reason. It works a bit like Cubase except it uses real samples rather than triggering MIDI voices from the soundcard. Cubase and Reason work really well together, you can load Reason drum loops into cubase as audio files and then use Cubase's EQ's and processors to fuck with them. This is what i spend 1&1/2hours of my week in college doing.
Sorry if i've said stuff thats been said already, but i really cant be arsed with reading 20 longish posts.
EDIT: "Don't touch soundblaster cards at all", thats what i was told by several companies while i was searching for a pro soundcard. I wanted the Platinum ZX-special-meaga-hyper-go-faster-stripes one, and I was told it was crap for recording and sequencing. Mine cost £40 less and is apparently twice as good......just passing on advice.....take it or leave it
Regarding software, you can get pirate versions of pretty much anything you want, Cubase cost like £400, so it's worth having a cracked copy of that.
I've recorded all of my solo Blackmetal project with this setup, so if it can handle me screeching my guts into it and obscenley trebley guitars, i would have thought it could do most things.
If you want some really pro instrument sounds like drums or strings and stuff, get a copy of Reason. It works a bit like Cubase except it uses real samples rather than triggering MIDI voices from the soundcard. Cubase and Reason work really well together, you can load Reason drum loops into cubase as audio files and then use Cubase's EQ's and processors to fuck with them. This is what i spend 1&1/2hours of my week in college doing.
Sorry if i've said stuff thats been said already, but i really cant be arsed with reading 20 longish posts.
EDIT: "Don't touch soundblaster cards at all", thats what i was told by several companies while i was searching for a pro soundcard. I wanted the Platinum ZX-special-meaga-hyper-go-faster-stripes one, and I was told it was crap for recording and sequencing. Mine cost £40 less and is apparently twice as good......just passing on advice.....take it or leave it