

Gloomy light
Nov 26, 2003
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Dunno if this is a proper thread, but I just wanna know are there some real Lacrimosa fans out there? Its a really Gay-german-lederhosen-band, and i was just wonderin' does someone REALLY like it. I think its the biigest TURD in the music business. (No hard feelings you all GAY-LACRIMOSA fans :erk: )
The music is good, but tame and boring at times. The female singer is also good. The male singer, Tilo Wolf, is fucking PATHETIC. He should have his throat slit, maybe he'd just gargle into the mic instead. He cannot sing, he has no range or power, and he makes Fred Durst sound good in comparison. He absolutely ruins their music and makes it a curiosity instead of something actually pleasant to hear.
i like it. well, i didnt buy their latest cd as i heard pretty bad things. but they arent all that bad, have you actually listened to some songs, or are you just put off by their image? which would be understandable, of course.
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I've got Fassade - I liked it, but I'm very rarely in the mood to listen to it. It's more of a curiosity, for exactly the reasons LuminousAether points out. The male singer is indeed a witless, talentless tool who ought to have his vocal cords removed to make the world a better-sounding place.
Awesome is EXTREMELY pushing it. I have Elodia and I have not listened to it since I bought it, it's a very tedious listen due to the vocals and the fact that the music is so tame, so unadventurous. Sure they mix classical music with goth rock more than other bands have before, but in doing so they have made music which is more fitting for a museum than for a concert hall.
LuminousAether said:
I could only imagine how horrible their videos are. The band members look like total asshats, it'd probably be hilarious to see them in person. I know I'd laugh at them.
Heheh! :D "Asshats"...heheh....I like that! And thats the damn truth! :headbang:
What they did on "Schakal" EP & "Inferno" album was quite unique at the time. Nowdays it might seem different. I like that era, later it started sound like they were doing the same thing over and over again.