
And I've already given a pretty basic definition to what homophobia is, but even so some people do fear homosexuality in a sense because they ignorantly believe and fear that if society becomes more accepting to homosexuality, than the rate of homosexuality will increase - which is false! It's only "true" to those who believe homosexuality is a recent phenomenon, and a result of choice - in which case, these people are uneducated and ignorant.

homosexuality has always existed in people just as it exists in animals
in a world without artificial insemination, homosexuality acts as a population control mechanism
To be honest I don't even know why you draw the children card to this discussion, that's just a scapegoat if anything. Explaining to children about why two men are kissing is just as difficult as talking to them about drug abuse, sex, rape, poverty and crime. Jesus christ, there's lots of unspeakable acts we humans do everyday and kids see them on every corner, but for some reason or another you seem to care more about how should you explain to them why are two guys holding hands. Why do you feel compelled to use kids as an excuse to shun people that have different viewpoints from yours?

i myself mentioned "children" because i feel that children should be taught about homosexuality as early as possible, i feel that understanding (with acceptance of) homosexuality should be the earliest part of "sex education"
exactly how old to teach the kid about homosexuality is something that should vary from kid to kid and should be a judgement call on the part of the parent, but i feel that it should happen pretty early
one school district (can't remember where) in America where the difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality is taught as a part of the cirriculum in kindergarten
Pedifilia is a natural occurance
Murder is a natural occurance
Stealing is a natural occurance
Fighting is a natural occurance
Beating woman and children is a natural occurance
Woman brow beating and bitch slapping men is a natural occurance
Nations trying to take over other nations is a natural occurance
Mental instability is a natural occurance
Horrific diseases are a natural occurance

you incorrectly spelled "pedophilia"
The only thing I got clearly out of your post was that you believe homophobia does not exist, which I firmly believe is incorrect.

homophobia does not exist?!?!? which twilight zone episode did razoredge walk into? ofcourse homophobia exists, hence the need for the creation of this thread
Murder is a natural occurance

Fighting is a natural occurance
Beating woman and children is a natural occurance

Nations trying to take over other nations is a natural occurance
Mental instability is a natural occurance
Horrific diseases are a natural occurance

these things occur in nature, because when they result in death, these things are "population control mechanisms"
On to the next point - If you are too dense to realize that by desiring to shun homosexual people you're preaching everything that freedom countries stand against, then I can't help you. It is pretty fuckin' funny that on this day and age you got the balls to say that heterosexual couples have more right to do whatever the fuck they want than homosexual couples.

Alright, so let me cut the bullshit. Basically you believe that homosexual people should stay indoors and do the same that heterosexual couples do out on the open? way to discriminate someone.

even i was dazzled by this blatent disregard for the civil rights of gay people
monoxide, dont come back to a conversation days after and not catch up on the entire thing. Quoteing things that were said and misconscrewed days ago without following the entire conversation out and understanding what was said and why is stupid. What now that you have done your quotes and responded to things you werent even following, someone is supposed to respond and rehash the same shit again ? Everything you just covered in your quotes was already responded to and explained, yet you post as if it all went in one ear and out the other.

It could be said that the beating and killing of homosexuals is population control. So any points you are trying to make here with this population control bullshit are moot. Of larger concern is that for centuries homosexuals have had marraiges and bred to unknowing heteros. Interestingly when pressed up against the wall on this issue suddenly genetic occurances of homosexuality are thrown out the window.

Civil rights are bullshit, we all have the right to act and behave decently and responsibly, after that one is pushing people personal thresholds and has to accept the fact that trouble may occur. They can write all the laws they want but they can never stop natural instincts and responses... though they are trying to beat it out of us. Interesting that after thousands of years men and woman in power think they can change the ways of mankind... who is nothing more than an evolved mammal. Surprised they havent written laws to stop the lion from biting.

I covered the reality of the homophobe thing, if you dont get it or feel Im wrong, take a whirl at disproving it.

You quoted a post just to point out a spelling era ???????

Children need not be taught about sex or homosexuality until a parent feels fit and this is the responsibility and RITE of the parent........ NO ONE ELSE... now theres some legitimate civil rights for you.

Couldnt possibly be inherently grotesque ? Would this mean that upon learning about sex and reproduction, often one of the first things that goes through a childs head is.... "my parents did that ?...... gross! " is somehow a learned reaction ? Are you saying that even those of hetero persuasion that wont indulge in oral or anal sex because "its gross" learned somewhere that it was gross ? I would have to say thats funny because of the people I know, we all grew up with the same influences and learning, yet there are those that do and those that wont.

So the reality here is that some people want to teach tolerance through desensitization and think it will be a cure all, yet Im willing to bet there will be many that still think its disgusting and dont want it in their face... why ? because its not natural. Teaching kids that its normal to be homosexual is as stupid as teaching hate. Outside forces takeing it upon themselves to teach children about how to have homosex is as dumb as the programs that teach kids all about drugs. But wait a second.... what a contradiction of principles... no ?
monoxide, dont come back to a conversation days after and not catch up on the entire thing. Quoteing things that were said and misconscrewed days ago without following the entire conversation out and understanding what was said and why is stupid. What now that you have done your quotes and responded to things you werent even following, someone is supposed to respond and rehash the same shit again ? Everything you just covered in your quotes was already responded to and explained, yet you post as if it all went in one ear and out the other.

It could be said that the beating and killing of homosexuals is population control. So any points you are trying to make here with this population control bullshit are moot. Of larger concern is that for centuries homosexuals have had marraiges and bred to unknowing heteros. Interestingly when pressed up against the wall on this issue suddenly genetic occurances of homosexuality are thrown out the window.

Civil rights are bullshit, we all have the right to act and behave decently and responsibly, after that one is pushing people personal thresholds and has to accept the fact that trouble may occur. They can write all the laws they want but they can never stop natural instincts and responses... though they are trying to beat it out of us. Interesting that after thousands of years men and woman in power think they can change the ways of mankind... who is nothing more than an evolved mammal. Surprised they havent written laws to stop the lion from biting.

I covered the reality of the homophobe thing, if you dont get it or feel Im wrong, take a whirl at disproving it.

You quoted a post just to point out a spelling era ???????

Children need not be taught about sex or homosexuality until a parent feels fit and this is the responsibility and RITE of the parent........ NO ONE ELSE... now theres some legitimate civil rights for you.

Couldnt possibly be inherently grotesque ? Would this mean that upon learning about sex and reproduction, often one of the first things that goes through a childs head is.... "my parents did that ?...... gross! " is somehow a learned reaction ? Are you saying that even those of hetero persuasion that wont indulge in oral or anal sex because "its gross" learned somewhere that it was gross ? I would have to say thats funny because of the people I know, we all grew up with the same influences and learning, yet there are those that do and those that wont.

So the reality here is that some people want to teach tolerance through desensitization and think it will be a cure all, yet Im willing to bet there will be many that still think its disgusting and dont want it in their face... why ? because its not natural. Teaching kids that its normal to be homosexual is as stupid as teaching hate. Outside forces takeing it upon themselves to teach children about how to have homosex is as dumb as the programs that teach kids all about drugs. But wait a second.... what a contradiction of principles... no ?

the skipping aroung thing is something that i've been doing on all the threads, maybe it just wasn't as obvious before

killing homosexuals as population control? what the fucking hell are you smoking?

yes humans are mammals, and homosexuality occurs in lots of different mammals, but the hetero animals don't go aroung harassing taunting victimizing killing their homosexual peers

i didn't specify and age for sex ed, that's should be different from kid to kid based on the individual kid's maturity speed
what i meant was that when sex ed does actually happen, then homosexuality, along with masturbation, hetero fellatio, hetero cunnilingus, water sports, domination etc etc etc should be taught as methods of reaching orgasm without doing the act that produces pregnancy. doing penis-in-vagina sex should be reserved for when you're actually trying to concieve a child

the "my parents did that... gross!!!" type reaction is actually learned, it has to do with clothing and how society deals with nudity, children who grow up in nudist colonies have way less sexual hang ups than other people

homosexuality is completely natural for those that are homosexual, you can't make those people straight
from the 1850s to the 1950s gay/lesbian people actually had more children than straight people, the children that they sired/gave birth to were part of their disguise of "pretending to be normal" in a society where homosexuality was CONTEXTUALLY wrong, are you saying that this kind of world is the norm of how things should be? are you saying that homosexuality is INTRINSICALLY wrong?
Its biologically wrong. You get some fucked up information from somewhere or twist what you read into what you want and then try to pass it as fact. Animals are not homosex, some display characteristics of bi-sex and I already covered the many reasons these displays are done, its all well written about in the one little group of monkeys that show it and have become the gay poster animals for the gay cause. No amount of gay propaganda bullshit will change the truth. There are no limp wristed animals out there, no pissed off bull dykes in the animal kingdom.

People should piss on each other to achieve orgasm rather than have responsible intercourse ?... you are a champion... of something... Im sure. Reminds of that stupid surgeon general Clinton had that said we needed to teach kids about masturbation. You - teach about oral sex... what closet do you live in, those things come natural, hell I knew all about this stuff back around 1970 at the age of 12, long before anybody felt the need to have "the talk" with me, which never took place. That was certainly prior to all the sexual awareness thats out there today for youngsters to discover. This shit doesnt need to be taught to anyone. Amusing you want to talk about natural when it fits your agenda and pretend everyone is a sexual moron that wont come by knowledge naturally when you have a different agenda. Too transparent to fool me.

Children that grow up in nudists camps have desensitisation and learned behavior. The example I gave of kids reaction to their parents doing the dirty is because children and adults are supposed to find visions of their own family tree doing it disgusting... its natural. same as it was natural for me as a child to chase the girls around on the playground, and desire a girlfriend but had no desire to do this with my sister. Again duh ! You claim its because we wore cloths ? Good greif, a true champion.

"between 1850 and 1950 gays had more children that straight people", no doubt this is true because the statistics came from.... where ?

Damn I pity anybody that swallows this kind of ignorance and inability to reason things out.
Well, even if a heterosexual couple started making out in the middle of MacDonald's would be considered wrong and inapropriate and critisized negatively by the customers that are happily eating their meal.
So, I guess it doesn't actually make a big difference whether the couple is heterosexual or homosexual. The only difference would be that the people eyeing a homosexual couple, while making out in a public place, would be their suprise to see such a thing.

Ever I would be rather suprised! Don't get me wrong there, it would surprise me to see a heterosexual coulpe doing the same too!

Its just that there is a time and place for everything, and making out in public isnt a good option, because it can trigger bad critisizm.

From my point of view, there is nothing wrong with a homosexual couple beeing together. There is a problem though if with their behavior they become provocative and offensive.

Let's face it, no one would like to have a live peep show of a homosexual/heterosexual couple making out while munching away on their fries.

As I said b4, there is a time and place for everything..

Its biologically wrong. You get some fucked up information from somewhere or twist what you read into what you want and then try to pass it as fact. Animals are not homosex, some display characteristics of bi-sex and I already covered the many reasons these displays are done, its all well written about in the one little group of monkeys that show it and have become the gay poster animals for the gay cause. No amount of gay propaganda bullshit will change the truth. There are no limp wristed animals out there, no pissed off bull dykes in the animal kingdom.

People should piss on each other to achieve orgasm rather than have responsible intercourse ?... you are a champion... of something... Im sure. Reminds of that stupid surgeon general Clinton had that said we needed to teach kids about masturbation. You - teach about oral sex... what closet do you live in, those things come natural, hell I knew all about this stuff back around 1970 at the age of 12, long before anybody felt the need to have "the talk" with me, which never took place. That was certainly prior to all the sexual awareness thats out there today for youngsters to discover. This shit doesnt need to be taught to anyone. Amusing you want to talk about natural when it fits your agenda and pretend everyone is a sexual moron that wont come by knowledge naturally when you have a different agenda. Too transparent to fool me.

Children that grow up in nudists camps have desensitisation and learned behavior. The example I gave of kids reaction to their parents doing the dirty is because children and adults are supposed to find visions of their own family tree doing it disgusting... its natural. same as it was natural for me as a child to chase the girls around on the playground, and desire a girlfriend but had no desire to do this with my sister. Again duh ! You claim its because we wore cloths ? Good greif, a true champion.

"between 1850 and 1950 gays had more children that straight people", no doubt this is true because the statistics came from.... where ?

Damn I pity anybody that swallows this kind of ignorance and inability to reason things out.

i've never heard of primates doing homo sex, the animals i was refering to were bulls, jungle cats, rabbits and dolphins

Clinton's Attorney General wanted to teach masturbation as a method of ruducing the number of "teenage" pregnancies, and it worked, sort of, the clinton administration made all the schoolage afraid of pregnancy, knowledgeable of the mechanics of what causes pregnancy, and now children consider "oral" as "3rd base" and many females are recieving anal, Oprah and Tyra have been recently doing shows about how the girls that are afraid of getting pregnant are performing oral and recieving anal because they're actually getting horny even though they're not allowed to get pregnant
my point was simply that if getting pregnant in highschool is still a bad thing, if we still have a problem with our daughters getting pregnant in highschool, then we should teach them how to orgasm without intercourse, especially the girls, when a human orgasms, thehormones going through a male's body are different than the one's going through a female's body, men become addicted to the orgasm itself, where as women become addicted to the person that they were having sex with when they orgasmed, this is what's going on with Rhianna, she had to get surgery to repair the damage that Chris Brown's fists did, but because he made her orgasm, she can't leave him, she's addicted to him, this can be prevented if a woman's first several orgasms are herself, masturbating
Well as a rule thats about the only way a young girl is going to get off, most boys cant get the job done.... maybe its because as you say they are addicted to the orgasm. I was always addicted to the act. More girls touch themselves then are willing to admit... so I have found out in latter years when they open up and talk more. That particular attorney general of Clintons resigned after the scandal that public statement made cause it was stupid. Kids know all about this stuff through conversation long before parents get around to dareing to talk about it, especially today with all the internet chat and other sources. So like get real
Well as a rule thats about the only way a young girl is going to get off, most boys cant get the job done.... maybe its because as you say they are addicted to the orgasm. I was always addicted to the act. More girls touch themselves then are willing to admit... so I have found out in latter years when they open up and talk more. That particular attorney general of Clintons resigned after the scandal that public statement made cause it was stupid. Kids know all about this stuff through conversation long before parents get around to dareing to talk about it, especially today with all the internet chat and other sources. So like get real

but women don't usually instinctively learn to masturbate like males do
so, some of the girls performing felatio and receiving anal aren't orgasming at all
according to the "sex expert" woman that was on Oprah, most males have their first orgasm durring masturbation, while most females have their first orgasm durring sex, this is bad because when a female experiences her first orgasm durring sex (as opposed to maturbation) she falls in love with the guy she's having sex with, the guy that a teenage girl has her first orgasm with is prolly gonna be a "bad boy" as part of her "rebeling against parents" where she "falls in love with him" causing "battered wife syndrome"
my point in explining masturbation to females was that if a female has her first orgasm by herself, then she won't have the "falling in love with a wife beater" thing happen like it happened with Rihanna
Well, even if a heterosexual couple started making out in the middle of MacDonald's would be considered wrong and inapropriate and critisized negatively by the customers that are happily eating their meal.
So, I guess it doesn't actually make a big difference whether the couple is heterosexual or homosexual. The only difference would be that the people eyeing a homosexual couple, while making out in a public place, would be their suprise to see such a thing.

my point was that down here in red-necked-hick-ville,
the hetero couple doing it would be totally acceptable
but the homo couple doing it would be offensive, and not for the action, but for making it noticable that they're homo
really, who want to see that un-natural crap, no one, most displays of such are done for shock and attention value, the respectable part of the gay society acts like responsible adults.
really, who want to see that un-natural crap, no one, most displays of such are done for shock and attention value, the respectable part of the gay society acts like responsible adults.

so you're saying that it's MORE ACCEPTABLE to see a hetero couple playing tonsil hockey in front of little children?
my whole point would be to disagree with this idea,
i think that the level of PDA should be determined by who's around, not whether the couple is homo or hetero

would you say the same thing about an hetero interacial couple making out in public, because it's "unnatural" for people to breed outside of their own race?
so you're saying that it's MORE ACCEPTABLE to see a hetero couple playing tonsil hockey in front of little children?
my whole point would be to disagree with this idea,
i think that the level of PDA should be determined by who's around, not whether the couple is homo or hetero

would you say the same thing about an hetero interacial couple making out in public, because it's "unnatural" for people to breed outside of their own race?

serious focus issue, pay attention, let me help

"most displays of such are done for shock and attention value, the respectable part of the gay society acts like responsible adults."

if this still doesnt click, reread the entire topic you started and try participating on more than a once a week basis... or try dropping it