Psychologists are evil

@Undo: i might be wrong, but i think your crusade has to do with the way "mentally ill" people are treated in your country and all the negative things that come with that. if that's the case, you have to realise that that's not what happens in the whole world, and you should shift your focus towards educating people on the matter (ie educate them on how to react towards "mentally ill" people). the solution certainly is not casting stones at psychiatry in general and it's not the changing of names (because even if the names change and the people remain uneducated, the people will shift their prejudice towards the new names). imo it would be good for you to study a bit what happens in other countries and work towards bringing those positive changes in yours.

another point i wanted to make (you probably understand this, but still) is that some conditions certainly need medical attention. you cannot possibly argue that a person who is convinced that he's growing horns and a devil's tail is right in his mind, can you? and this is not something far-fetched, we have this person in our hospital right now and i can assure you he's not growing any of that. :)

also, you said you're not talking about physical pain. but, imo, pain is pain. it's a sign that something is wrong (be it in the person's mind, body or life). and it's something torturing for the person. and for that reason it should be relieved.
Siren said:
educating people on the matter (ie educate them on how to react towards "mentally ill" people)
I only wish i actually had the patience to do that and not give up upon stumbling with stubbornness.

Siren said:
another point i wanted to make (you probably understand this, but still) is that some conditions certainly need medical attention. you cannot possibly argue that a person who is convinced that he's growing horns and a devil's tail is right in his mind, can you? and this is not something far-fetched, we have this person in our hospital right now and i can assure you he's not growing any of that. :)
I mentioned schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and so on, not delirium. ;) No, seriously, i agree that some conditions should be treated as diseases and cured.

Siren said:
[Pain]'s a sign that something is wrong (be it in the person's mind, body or life). and it's something torturing for the person. and for that reason it should be relieved.
Siren said:
@Undo: i might be wrong, but i think your crusade has to do with the way "mentally ill" people are treated in your country and all the negative things that come with that. if that's the case

just to clarify, it's not the case. it's not a country thing, it's his thing
i might not be insulting anyone, but i agree that your problem with psychology has to do with semantics. this was my point in the first place - which is not a way to say i called it first: misanthrope's posts all had very good arguments - and is also the reason why it seems futile to debate this with undocontrol any longer. of course it may be that "people just post stupid", but i wouldn't be so fond of telling yourself this if i were you.
I wholly agree that said people are evil. They 'ought to burn in hell!

I'm supposed to suffer from "Non-verbal Language Disorder"

Is it a disease? A sickness? No. I merely have trouble communicating without words.