Your OCD.

Originally posted by Mikael is God
check it out... i have an mp3 folder... inside my mp3 are band's folders... inside those folders are album folders... and inside those album folders are songs.....

IN THIS FORMAT --- Band Name - Album Title - 00 - Song Name

everything capitalized or not capitalized when needed.....
i thought that was pretty usual...
isnt it?
cool thread.

Soul, you have to go to your stove and look at it and say to yourself (out loud if necessary) "the stove is off" and not check it again, resist the urge! hehe, it get's easier with time.

I'm also a wallet, keys, etc. checker. I do it all the time. Same deal with the car door too, and car lights (I'll NOT make that mistake a second time!). Once I left my car door cracked half way open! Fucked up. I was unloading groceries from the other door and forgot about the driver's door. This only added to my paranoia of course.

When I was a kid I was severely fucked up from trying to swallow the christianity pill, as everyone is probably aware, and I developed a very pervasive phobia about the number 666. Whenever I was playing solitaire or yhatzee and 3 6's appeared it scared the crap out of me and I would stop playing the game. Eventually this fear became a fear about the number 36 (3x6) and it *seemed* like every time I looked at a digital clock or watch it was always 36 mins past the hour, as if it were some satanic omen or something. I can laugh about it now but when you're 10 it's scary.

Oh well, live and learn. Now 666 is my fav number :)

I have way too many of these to list. It's like I can never relax knowing that something can go wrong out of chance.

For one, I always worry about not having closed the fridge door when I leave in the morning.

Also, I always have to (like many others of you) check if I have my wallet in my pocket. I often bike where I want to go and this makes it worse. I remember losing the key to the house out of my pocket while biking and never finding it again. Been paranoid ever since :)

Lastly, I guess, is fear of not having locked the door. Once, a few years ago, I went as far as walking home from halfway to the bus stop just to check that I did indeed lock the door.

Edit : These are only a few among soooooo many others. I just can't bothered to write those down tbh though.
Originally posted by Unhallowed
Most of the time, no matter where I am, sitting or standing .. I check if my wallet, my keys, my lighter, my cigs and my cell phone are with me. If some of these items is not in the pocket where they usually are, I may say out loud "where the fuck is my ______?!" instantly, and only after that check if it's on some other pocket :)

I have the same problem (it helps to have this sometime's though , you would know what i'm talkin about) whenever i'm at well ,,, anywhere where I knew I put something in my pockets I always check my pockets every 5 minutes to make sure it's still there , it doesn't matter what it is ,, I hate losing things ,, espicially girlfriends that you get to involved with and then they just brake up with you for no reason and you want to go on a killing spree and kill everyone that you see doing something you don't like ,,,,, hmmmm well maybe not but anyway ,,,,
I'm a bit of a neatness freak, does that count? Actually, something that I'm really compulsive about is washing my hands. Like if I touch anything that has the remote chance of having any germs on it, the first thing I'll do is go to the bathroom and wash my hands.
What else... yeah Transparent, I do that alarm clock routine before I go to bed too.

There are a lot of other things but I wouldn't want to freak anyone out. ;)
This was an interesting thread!!

Hmmmm...... lately I'm not really least not in a standard way... Checking once the oven,the windows and stuff before i leave home is nothing compulsive,since I do it only once and not 37564 times... Sometimes I feel a bit worried about my keys and stuff,but I manage to control myself hopefully... Other days i feel like my hands are constantly dirty and stuff,but i am trying not to give in to my stupid worries.... I'm very glad i am quite relaxed about such stuff lately

3 years ago I was constantly worried that the PC was on....Even if i knew it was shut down, I was still going to check hehe very strange....

My only really compulsive thing appears during exams period... i can't concentrate if i don't have water or coffee or juice or sth drinkable while I'm studying...The result is that i end up drinking many litres of liquid without feeling thristy.... When the exams are over this annoying "behaviour" disappears :mad: it pisses me off,but i can't really stop it.....

Anyway,for everybody there are matters which make him feel stressed or uncomfortable and in that way he/she develops some kind of compulsive behaviour...
up to some degree it's common and normal i think = )
I check my pockets all the damn time as some of you have said. i try to equally brush all my teeth with the same amount of strokes on each side:lol: . I am always going back to my room to turn on the light just to see if there is anything i forgot...more than once sometimes. That really pisses my friends off who are waiting on me.
I do not know if this is considered and OCD, probably not, but i am so fucking indecisive. It takes me forever to choose things like...what would be the perfect CD to listen to right now, or what kind of food i want, or what to do tonight....etc...etc...that last one really sucks when your friends are indecisive too...:confused: :confused:
When my life is a mess, I always know where things are. When I take the time to clean stuff up, it all goes missing.

I think disorganized people are the most organized after all. Am I insane? Or am I so sane it blew your mind??

Since I use only keyboard shortcuts with ICQ (I have ctrl+enter mapped to answer a message, Alt-P to reply, and Alt-S to send), I find myself compulsively doing that in IRC as well, which, in mIRC, brings up the DCC Send dialogue box every time I go to Alt-S my message to the channel. :goggly:

I also use the typewriter "clang!" noise as my message alert, so whenever I hear a similar noise in the real world, my hand compulsively does the "ctrl+enter" flip. I had a few friends who would look down upon hearing a "ding" noise, after playing too much Theif II (I think that was the game).. apparently the noise indicated there was an item present for you to pick up.

It's sad how much this petty little machine runs my life..

very, very sad. :mad:
i spend like 20 minutes every night making sure my alarm clock is set correctly.
every time i leave my house i lock the door and check that i locked it correctly like 10 times, and if people are around me i usually tell one of them to try to open the door so i can be satisfied that it is locked :)
before i go to sleep i usually stand at the doorway of my computer room and make sure my computers are turned off by turning off the lights in the room and making sure i dont see any little green lights, this usually takes 5-10 minutes, haha
and if i did leave any on i make sure that i DO see little green lights, and that it's not just in my head (although it still could be all in my head... but i have to draw the line somewhere)

i also make sure the temperature is just right, so my athlon machine doesnt overheat, and also that nothing in the room will cause a fire. ive become extremely paranoid about my computers spontaneously combusting ever since one of the capacitors in one of my power supplies exploded, and on another occation when part of one of my old motherboards just lit on fire!... strangely enough it still worked (everything except the usb ports are fine....)
Who here uses MSN Messenger? (looks to see show of hands)

Okay. You know how when you hit "enter", it displays the message you are currently typing? Well, some of you may know (although for some reason I doubt it, people I converse with on MSN are always asking me...) that if you hold down the shift key and hit enter, you go down to a new line WITHOUT sending the currently-being-typed message. You're welcome. Anyways, as a result, I impulsively hit the shift key when hitting enter in other typing formats, needlessly. That's more conditioning than an OCD, but anyways...

When driving, if I'm on a route that's familiar to me, I often drive (halfway, when a passenger, if present, finally corrects me) to where I would normally take that route to, as opposed to where I'm actually going. But that's just not paying attention...

hmm... I do the alarm clock thing as well, but that's 'cause one day I showed up for work about 5 hours later than expected.
Originally posted by Melancholia
My only really compulsive thing appears during exams period... i can't concentrate if i don't have water or coffee or juice or sth drinkable while I'm studying...The result is that i end up drinking many litres of liquid without feeling thristy.... When the exams are over this annoying "behaviour" disappears :mad: it pisses me off,but i can't really stop it.....

I do the same thing...except I think it has more to do with a need for procrastination than any real compulsion... :)

It is exactly the same with music...I think I cycle through my entire CD collection at least four times while exams are on...but I am sure you can all understand this behavior. :cool:
After exams I go back to my "favourites" kind of.
Originally posted by brightoffski

I do the same thing...except I think it has more to do with a need for procrastination than any real compulsion... :)

sensible explanation :) But in my case I drink while studying,in some way automatically..It's not a matter of delaying...f.e. i am usually going here and there with a book in my hand and a cup in the other,studying and drinking simultaneously haha
I think it's a way of covering the inner gap studying causes...I hate studyiung for exams,so i need to do sth pleasant while doing it ....So here comes drinking to make me feel as if am doing something pleasant....

hmmm What a strange being I am! :lol:
Originally posted by transfixed
i spend like 20 minutes every night making sure my alarm clock is set correctly.

:lol: same here. I must check my alarm clock twenty or thirty times before I go to sleep.
check it out... i have an mp3 folder... inside my mp3 are band's folders... inside those folders are album folders... and inside those album folders are songs.....

I have something similar, but even more advanced / worse;

I organize the mp3s first into different folders, like "Soundtracks", "Downloads", "My Albums" etc. Inside these are the subfolders like you've got 'em heheheh

I need a new hard drive, 50 megs isn't enough anymore...:cry: