
I like In the Woods. They have such nice album- and track-titles as 'A Return to the Isle of Men' and 'HE-art of the Ages'. That don't sound to homophobic to me. ;D

As for the supposed homophobia in bm - I didn't have the faintest until a friend of mine remarked on how different In the Woods were in this aspect.

Homophobia is such a sign of arrogance. The map is not the territory.
If by homophobia, hatred of gays is meant, then of course I condemn it.

I've actually had a gay best friend for a while. (he was not effinately gay)

Anyway, as with Christians, I just don't like those gays who actually flaunt there homosexuality. I've even come across the sentiment that homosexuals are superior and that heterosexuals are silly primates, which kind of got me pissed off.

Anyway, I really would like to know something about those effiminate gays. Do they consciously choose to act as "gay" as they can, or is it something relating to their disposition? (probably the latter, but this is a serious issue for anyone hoping to study this further)

I once heard that they took some animals and let them breed and when the population of that group was a lot some of the animals turned gay as a natural way of contoling the population. sorry post is so messed up but i'm writing with one hand. . .
Originally posted by Opth_001
I once heard that they took some animals and let them breed and when the population of that group was a lot some of the animals turned gay as a natural way of contoling the population. sorry post is so messed up but i'm writing with one hand. . .

I find that interesting in two ways.

1) you seem to be implying an "evolutionary" account for the existence of homosexuality- which I don't wish to delve into

2) you're writing with one hand?? :eek: :lol: (hint, no choking the chicken while posting mister!!)
There is NOTHING unnatural about homosexuality.. It is sexual nature, some does it this way.. Some does it the other way.. Whats is to call unnaturately?
That is simply christian fundamentalism propaganda..

Why does everything need to be so "normal" to some people?

What is this thing about homosexual stereotype? Do you actually belive that someone has altered their sexual life-style, for image? I dont think so, and even if they act very "gay".. I dont think its for image, i belive that someone wouldnt be that stupid to put on an totally "gay" style, just for show..

Thats my opinions..
ok heres the deal.... homophobia is being used wrong here.... homophobia would mean the person is deathly afraid of gay people.... like they would piss their pants and cry if a gay man came close to them.... its not hatred

so anyway....

russ L -- "That's not the point. It's not a valid ground on which to judge someone at all."

Anything is a valid ground to judge somebody that way though. Do you have any people that you dont hate but you arent friends with/ dont really like? Im SURE there are.... what are the reasons for that? probably reasons that arent "valid ground on which to judge someone." The other dude just doesn't like it when gay people blatantly go around acting a certain way on purpose, and those people can pretty much be defined as POSERS anyway, so if he doesnt like it then fine, he's allowed to not like it.
Homophobia isnt all about a man being scared of homosexuals..
Its about people who dislike homosexual because they think its disgusting, wrong or whatever..

And frankly that pisses me off, i think its so ignorant and immature..
Originally posted by Opth_001
I was eating some chips and didn't want to get greese on my keyboard thank you very much :)

Heard that one before :rolleyes:

stereotype? Do you actually belive that someone has altered their sexual life-style, for image? I dont think so, and even if they act very "gay".. I dont think its for image, i belive that someone wouldnt be that stupid to put on an totally "gay" style, just for show..

You'd be surprised...
How do you guys feel about the undercurrent (and often openly expressed) of resentment towards homosexuals that is often a part of metal (esp BM and brutal death)?

Im ok with homosexuality as long as they do not involve me ( wich its a completly different factor anyway ) and i do not see why a Gay person Could not/ would not/ should not listen to brutal death metal. Its as silly as saying Black people does not listen to metal. That is plain stupid the first Dying Fetus drummer ( before kevin i forgot his name ) was black, Rob Halford is gay and he still has a cult of people that loves his and his...lets say music.
Originally posted by splump
Homophobia isnt all about a man being scared of homosexuals..
Its about people who dislike homosexual because they think its disgusting, wrong or whatever..

And frankly that pisses me off, i think its so ignorant and immature..

ummm sorry to bust your bubble but any word with phobia behind it means your scared of it like acrophobia, aracnaphobia,ect. . . so homophobia would be scared of gay people. Evern though the actual word gay means happy? I still haven't figured that out. And a fagget is some stick put together?!
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Its as silly as saying Black people does not listen to metal. That is plain stupid the first Dying Fetus drummer ( before kevin i forgot his name ) was black, Rob Halford is gay and he still has a cult of people that loves his and his...lets say music.

Yeah I'm black :cool: and so is the singer for "God Forbid"
ah please dont let political correctness invade these boards, its one of the few places that we can speak freely these days, if someone says they dont agree with homosexuality so what?, everyone has a right to their own opinion and their own views based on their own experiences, and to say that people who do not agree with homosexuality are shallow is no different to saying those people who indulge in homosexuality are disgusting, you are still judging them by their thoughts or actions
How is it the same respecting someone who is gay than beating him up in the street if i see him kissing ?
Please do explain cause this are the attitudes i know of caused by fanatism and hate towards the gay comunity
Originally posted by Opth_001
ummm sorry to bust your bubble but any word with phobia behind it means your scared of it like acrophobia, aracnaphobia,ect. . . so homophobia would be scared of gay people. Evern though the actual word gay means happy? I still haven't figured that out. And a fagget is some stick put together?!

Sorry to burst yours but it isn't true :loco: It has very different connotations now! Homophobia isn't just being scared of, it's treating as different, prejudice against etc.

Hence -

homophobia n : prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality
Originally posted by moonchild
ah please dont let political correctness invade these boards, its one of the few places that we can speak freely these days, if someone says they dont agree with homosexuality so what?, everyone has a right to their own opinion and their own views based on their own experiences, and to say that people who do not agree with homosexuality are shallow is no different to saying those people who indulge in homosexuality are disgusting, you are still judging them by their thoughts or actions

thats so true!
but to me there is a legitimate answer to the 'so what'? ---> so what if a majority of people dont agree with homosexuality?

what happens then is that some 18 year old kid ends up spending like 17 years in jail over a consensual blow job to another guy(who was 15-making it statutory and illegal), and no one cares to raises hell about the fact that a heterosexual kid wouldve spent 1 year in prison.
(heres that story)

so as much as i believe in individual freedom to think and feel however you wish, when people's rights are imposed on i think theres a problem....

i think you said not to ask, but i really want to know where your avatar is from :p
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Agreed, but the more you hold yourself out, and try to "convince" the masses that it's OK to be gay, you are just feeding more hatred, and bringing attention to yourself.

The whole idea behind gay pride IS to bring attention to themselves, in a positive way. While your blend theory is perhaps the easiest way for gays to go through life, many do not want to hide their gayness, many are happy and proud of their sexuality and therefore should be free to express it as they choose (so long as they aren't violating any descency laws of whatever).

Gay pride seeks to enlighten people that a great many people are gay in this world, and by doing so, takes homosexuality out of the realm of unspeakable taboo and places it into everyday life. The best way to end discrimination is by educating the public about it, and what better way to do this than throw a gay prride parade?

In my feeble mind, I'll never consider it OK to be gay - I don't see that sexual practice as a "normal" thing.

You don't consider it OK to be gay? So if you were gay yourself, you'd be in the closet then?

The concept of "normal" exists only within our minds.
Is it normal to eat rice and cold fish for breakfast? It is if you happen to be japanese.
Is it normal to consume 20 drinks a day? It is if you are an alcoholic.
Is it normal to fuck someone of the same sex? It is if you are gay.

There is no such thing as "normal". Being gay is no more or less normal than having asthma, or brown eyes, these are just characteristics and nothing more.

If a pregnant women does too much coke the kid will come out stupid and/or deformed. If a women has elevated levels of estrogen (just one possible cause) in the first trimester, the kid will come out gay.

With regard to the incredible variation of the expression of life, nothing is either normal or abnormal, it simply is.

the price of democracy is that the majority rules, its the way it always has been, in regards to my old avatar, if u really want to know it was taken from a picture from the dimmu borgir site that depicted a limbless corpse dripping blood, not particulary pleasant and i thought that it was a little childish and immature but if you really must see its here: http://www.dimmu-borgir.com/pictures13/images/11.jpg